From: Web Site Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2008 8:44 PM To: Town Council Cc: [email protected] Subject: Approval of Wesley Project Message sent by [email protected] Dear Mayor Foy & Town Council: I am writing to support the re-zoning and re-development effort for the Wesley Campus Ministry at 214 Pittsboro Street, due to be heard at the town council meeting Monday, March 10.
I truly believe that the proposed expansion of this facility will not only serve the near-term campus housing needs of UNC but also will serve the needs of the campus and community for the next 50 years. In addition, the expansion of the Wesley building should have a relatively minimal effect on the impact and density of the Cameron-McCauley neighborhood in particular and on the town as a whole.
The present structure is antiquated and is under capacity to meet the current and future needs of the student and community population. Please give due consideration to this very worthwhile project.
Thank you, Jeffrey D. Rich [email protected]