Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager


J.B. Culpepper, Planning Director

David Bonk, Long Range and Transportation Coordinator


Resolution Identifying Areas Under Consideration for Possible Future Annexation


March 17, 2008


The attached resolution would identify areas under consideration for possible future annexation.  The Town annually identifies areas under consideration as a regular part of its comprehensive annexation study process.  Please see the attached map identifying these areas.  This is Part A of a two-part item related to annexations on tonight’s agenda.




Adoption of the attached resolution would maintain the Council’s future ability to choose to conduct a Town-initiated annexation.  Adoption of this resolution does not require that the Council pursue a Town-initiated annexation, however.


North Carolina State law regarding annexation includes a requirement that the Planning Board or the Town Council adopt a resolution identifying an area as being under consideration for annexation at least one year prior to adopting a resolution of intent to annex that area, if the annexation effective date is not to be delayed one year after adoption of an annexation ordinance.  The resolution of consideration remains effective for two years.  This requirement does not affect the Town’s ability to act on petitions for annexation.


For several years, the Council has declared its intent to consider for future annexation all of the land between the current Town Limits and the Urban Services Area boundary.




The Urban Services Boundary of the Town establishes the limits of the area to which urban services will be extended; we do not anticipate annexations beyond that line.  We anticipate that the Council will annex all of the area within the Urban Services Boundary at such time as each increment of the area meets statutory standards and there is financial capacity to provide the services required upon annexation.  (An accompanying report reviews the status of areas under general consideration for future annexation.)


Attachment 1 shows the area under consideration for future annexation as the balance of the land between Chapel Hill’s existing corporate limits and the Urban Services Boundary, as established by the Council.




We recommend the Council adopt the attached resolution identifying areas as being under consideration for annexation. 



  1. Map of Areas Under Consideration for Future Annexation, March 17, 2008 (p. 5).