TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Planner Career Advancement Progression and Classification Changes
DATE: March 17, 2008
The purpose of this memorandum is to recommend changes in the Planner career advancement series as well as classification changes.
The Department of Human Resource Development and the Planning Department have worked together to develop and recommend strategies that will help us attract and retain planners at the Town of Chapel Hill. Over the past three years, we have lost four Planners and two Principal Planners. The longevity of these four Planners ranged from 3 to 13 months with the average being 10 months. For the Principal Planners, longevity ranged from 52-61 months, with the average being 56.5 months (4.7 years).
To effectively achieve the Council’s priorities, we need a stable planning workforce, balancing experience with new energy. The recommended strategies to attract and retain planners were developed after we studied our planner career progression and compensation structure in comparison with municipalities with whom we compete for planners.
We recommend that the Council enact the attached ordinance.