TO: |
Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager |
J.B. Culpepper, Planning Director George Small, P.E Engineering Director Kumar Neppalli, E.I.T. Engineering Services Manager David Bonk, Long Range and Transportation Planning Coordinator |
Follow Up on the Carrboro Smith Level Road Task Force Recommendations |
March 17, 2008 |
This report provides Chapel Hill staff responses on the recommendations of the Carrboro Smith Level Road Task Force.
On October 22, 2008, the Town Council received a report on the recommendations of the Smith Level Road Task Force. (Attachment 1) The Task Force prepared a series of proposed actions intended to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety along Smith Level Road. The Task Force Recommendations were referred to the staff for guidance on how to proceed.
We have included below a summary of the Task Force Recommendations and our proposed follow up actions.
-Adopt the section of Smith Level Road from Culbreth to 15-501 and from 15-501 to Old Lystra Road as part of Carrboro, Chapel Hill, Orange County and Chatham County’s bicycle plans.
Staff comment: Refer to Chapel Hill Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board for analysis and comment. .
-Reduce the speed limit on the southern section of the road to 35 MPH.
Staff comment: Staff will discuss the request with Carrboro, Orange County and the North Carolina Department of Transportation.
-Impose truck restrictions on the section of Smith Level Road between Damascus Church Road and S. Greensboro Street.
Staff comment: Staff will discuss the request with Carrboro, Orange County and the North Carolina Department of Transportation.
-Explore landowner compacts (secured easements) to provide a right-of-way or public trail/greenway access for pedestrians and bicyclists from 15-501 to the high school.
Staff comment: Staff to coordinate with affected land owners.
-Encourage improved public transportation between Carrboro, Chapel Hill, Orange County, Chatham County, and the Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools.
Staff comment: Staff will evaluate opportunities for expanded public transit access as part of the development of the annual transit service plan.
-Examine the possibility of narrowing the traffic lanes by 6” on the section of the road between Rock Haven and 15-50l.
Staff comment: Staff will discuss the request with Carrboro, Orange County and the North Carolina Department of Transportation.
-Extend and line the shoulders along Smith Level Road from Rock Haven to 15-501.
Staff comment: Staff will discuss the request with Carrboro, Orange County and the North Carolina Department of Transportation.
-Request that NCDOT conduct a traffic and feasibility study for adding a roundabout at Damascus Church Road and Smith Level.
Staff comment: Staff will discuss the request with Carrboro, Orange County and the North Carolina Department of Transportation.
-Add a multi-use path along one side of Smith Level from Ray Road to 15-501.
Staff comment: Refer to Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board and Transportation Board for analysis and comment.
-Until better alternatives are provided, encourage parents to utilize school buses to transport children to school instead of driving.
Staff comment: Staff will discuss the recommendations with the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School staff.
-Enforce speed limits.
Staff comment: Responsibility of Carrboro and Orange County law enforcement.
-Investigate the feasibility of adding an Orange Public Transit from the southern section of Smith Level to Rock Haven (connecting with Chapel Hill Transit) and to the UNC park and ride lot on 15-501.
Staff comment: Staff to discuss the request with Carrboro, Orange County and Orange Public Transit.
-Examine the possibility of eliminating one of the two turn lanes and one of the merge lanes at the entrance of Smith Level Road coming off 15-501.
Staff comment: Staff will discuss the recommendation with Carrboro, Orange County and the North Carolina Department of Transportation.
Staff will report back in September, 2008 to the Town Council on the status of the recommendations.