TO: |
Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager |
George Small, P.E., Engineering Director David Bonk, Long Range and Transportation Planning Coordinator Kumar Neppalli, E.I.T., Engineering Services Manager |
Response to a Petition Requesting Several Improvements on Cleland Drive and Burning Tree Drive |
March 17, 2008 |
This report is provided in response to a petition from the Oaks I Neighborhood Association requesting several improvements on Cleland Drive and Burning Tree Drive. Please see the area map provided in Attachment 1.
No action is required by the Council.
At its November 7, 2007, meeting, the Town Council received a petition from the Oaks I Neighborhood Association requesting the following traffic safety and other improvements on Cleland Drive and Burning Tree Drive:
A copy of the petition is provided in Attachment 2. The petition was referred to the Manager and the Transportation Board and the Pedestrian and Advisory Boards.
The posted speed limit is 25 mph on Cleland Drive and Burning Tree Drive. Both streets are built with curb and gutter but no sidewalks. The pavement width is 28 feet on both streets.
OWASA is currently replacing a sewer line and water line located on Cleland Drive between Burning Tree Drive and Hamilton Road. The construction of the project has started and is expected to be complete within the next four to six months.
Traffic signal control at the intersection of Fordham Boulevard and Cleland Drive:
An investigation for a traffic signal was completed by the NCDOT at this intersection. This investigation included an analysis of available accident records, vehicular counts, and an on-site observation at the intersection. To determine if a traffic signal is needed, the NCDOT adheres to standards and guidelines found in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The MUTCD was established by the Federal Highway Administration and adopted by all fifty states in an effort to standardize the use and installation of traffic control devices such as signs, signals and pavement markings. Eight signal warrants in the MUTCD are used when determining if a traffic signal is justified. These warrants use established thresholds to assess traffic safety for the intersection being studied
Based on the warrant thresholds, a traffic signal was not recommended at this location. Traffic volumes do not meet the minimum criteria necessary to satisfy the above mentioned warrants, and delay time for vehicles was negligible. An accident analysis was performed at this location from November 2001 through October 2006. Our data showed four (4) correctable collisions during this five-year time span which only resulted in property damage. The history of crashes is less than the minimum threshold necessary to warrant the installation of a traffic signal.
However, we are working with the NCDOT to redesign Cleland Drive and Fordham Boulevard intersection and we are currently reviewing the following actions:
We will provide a follow-up report to the Town Council for their review and approval if any of the above options is approved by the NCDOT and the area residents.
Transportation Board Recommendation: The Board agrees with the staff recommendation.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board Recommendation: The Board agrees with the staff recommendation.
Measures controlling speeding on Cleland Drive:
In 2002, the Town installed traffic calming devices on Cleland Drive as part of the area-wide traffic circulation assessment program. The existing traffic calming devices on Cleland Drive are as follows:
We believe the above devices reduced the vehicular speeds on Cleland Drive. However, our recent review of the field conditions indicates that installation of a new speed table on Cleland Drive between Kendall Drive and Whitley Drive could reduce vehicular speeds in that portion of the street section.
OWASA is required to repave Cleland Drive and unless we hear differently from the Council, we plan to include the speed table installation as part of the OWASA project. We will use 2003 Sidewalk bond funds earmarked for traffic calming for construction of the speed table.
Transportation Board Recommendation: The Board agrees with the staff recommendation.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board Recommendation: The Board agrees with the staff recommendation.
Install sidewalks on Cleland Drive and Burning Tree Drive:
Sidewalk projects on Cleland Drive and Burning Tree Drive are listed under the Town sidewalk construction program and are currently waiting for funding. With the completion of the projects approved by the Council, we believe we will have expended all available bond funding for sidewalks. As part of development of the FY 2008-2009 Chapel Hill budget, the Council will decide on the sale of additional bonds to fund sidewalk construction and at that time, these projects will be submitted for Council review. Also, special neighborhood assessment can be an option to fund the sidewalk construction.
Transportation Board Recommendation: The Board agrees with the staff recommendation.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board Recommendation: The Board agrees with the staff recommendation.
Change the overhead utilities to underground on Cleland Drive
We discussed this with the staff from Duke Energy and they indicated that they do not have funds available to change the utilities from overhead to underground on Cleland Drive. However, we recommend that the neighborhood continue their dialogue with the Duke Energy for future consideration of the relocation of the utilities.
Transportation Board Recommendation: The Board agrees with the staff recommendation.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board Recommendation: The Board agrees with the staff recommendation.
In their petition, the neighborhood association also discussed bicycle lanes on Cleland Drive and staff investigation indicates that it is feasible to install 4 feet designated bicycle lanes on both sides of Cleland Drive. However, this will eliminate the on-street parking for residents and visitors/patrons/players of soccer games. We therefore do not recommend designated bicycle lanes on Cleland Road at this time.
We discussed the above recommendations with the Neighborhood Association and they are in agreement with the staff recommendations. Please see the e-mail from the Neighborhood Association provided in Attachment #3.
We believe that the recommended additional speed table on Cleland Drive would help reducing vehicular speed. We will include the sidewalk project requests on Cleland Drive and Burning Tree Drive in the next Sidewalk Construction Program. We will work with NCDOT and area residents to find alternative traffic control measures at the intersection of Cleland Drive and Fordham Boulevard.