Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager


George Small, P.E., Engineering Director

Kumar Neppalli, E.I.T., Engineering Services Manager


Status Report on Traffic Safety Improvements on Fordham Boulevard between Manning Drive and Old Mason Farm Road (Fordham Boulevard Safety Work Group Recommendations)


March 17, 2008




This report provides status information regarding the proposed traffic safety improvements on Fordham Boulevard between Manning Drive and Old Mason Farm Road.  Please see the area map provided in Attachment 1.


The construction of the proposed traffic safety improvements are expected to be completed within the next six months of this year.  No action is required by the Council.




At its December 4, 2006 meeting, the Town Council approved several traffic safety measures for improving pedestrian and bicycle access, circulation and safety on Fordham Boulevard between Manning Drive and Old Mason Farm Road.  The traffic safety improvements were recommended by the Fordham Boulevard Safety Work Group. The Town Council required that the University implement some of the safety measures as part of its Development Plan.


The approved Work Group recommendations and their status are provided below:


Work Group Recommendation #1:  Illumination on Fordham Boulevard at Manning Drive and Old Mason Farm Road Intersections.


University Development Plan Modification #3 Stipulation: 

Fordham Boulevard/Manning Drive Street Lights:  That within six months of Council approval of the Development Modification No. 3, the University shall provide funding in the amount of $50,000 to the Town of Chapel Hill for installation of street lighting on Fordham Boulevard between Manning Drive and Old Mason Farm Road.


Status:  The University provided $50,000 to the Town.  The Town and Duke Energy developed the street light plans last year to include 400 watt HPSV Cobra cutoff heads on 12-foot brackets mounted to 35-foot breakaway poles.  The NCDOT reviewed and approved the plans this month and we expected that the construction of street lights will be completed by the end of April this year. The funds from the University will be applied to the capital cost of installation of the street lights and appurtenances.  The Town will be responsible for paying the ongoing monthly charges for operation and maintenance of the lights once they are installed.


Work Group Recommendation #2:  Police control before and after major Smith Center events at the Fordham Boulevard and Manning Drive.


 University Development Plan Modification #3 Stipulation:

Police Traffic Control at the Intersection of Fordham Boulevard and Manning Drive for Special Events:  Effective January 2007, the University must provide police traffic control in place of traffic signal operation at the intersection of Fordham Boulevard and Manning Drive before and after the special events at Smith Center including all games.


Status:  This was implemented by the University in January 2007.


Work Group Recommendation #3: Push-button countdown pedestrian signals and marked crosswalks for all four approaches at the Manning Drive and Old Mason Farm Road intersections.


University Development Plan Modification #3 Stipulation:

Fordham Boulevard/Manning Drive Traffic Signal Upgrade:  Subject to the approval of North Carolina Department of Transportation, the Fordham Boulevard/Manning Drive signalized intersection shall be upgraded with pedestrian “count down” heads with crosswalks including “stop ahead when flashing beacons” on Fordham Boulevard approaching Manning Drive from the south and bicycle activated signal loops on both sides of Manning Drive within 12 months of approval of the Development Plan Modification 3 by the Town Council.


Fordham Boulevard/Old Mason Farm Road Traffic Signal Upgrade:  Subject to the approval of North Carolina Department of Transportation, the Fordham Boulevard/Old Mason Farm Road signalized intersection shall be upgraded with pedestrian “count down” heads with crosswalks and bicycle activated signal loops on Old Mason Farm Road/Carmichael Street within 12 months of approval of the Development Plan Modification No. 3 by the Town Council.


Status:  Last month, NCDOT approved the above measures including audible signals and the plans are in design stage.   We expect that construction will be completed this summer.  The NCDOT e-mail response is provided in Attachment #2.


Work Group Recommendation #4: “Stop Ahead When Flashing” beacons on Fordham Boulevard approaching Manning Drive from the south.


Staff Comment:   Please see staff comment for #3 above.


Work Group Recommendation #5: Sidewalks or shared-use paths on both sides of Fordham Boulevard.


Status:  Sidewalks on Fordham Boulevard between Old Mason Farm Road and Manning Drive are included in the Town’s future Sidewalk Plan and also in 2009-15 Chapel Hill TIP Priority List.  This project is currently waiting for approval and funding by the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO).


Work Group Recommendation #6: Pedestrian bridge or tunnel across Fordham Boulevard in the study area.


Status:  Town Council included this project as priority #6 in 2009-15 Chapel Hill TIP Priority List and it is currently waiting for approval and funding by the MPO. 




A copy of this Council report was provided to area residents and members of Fordham Boulevard Safety Work Group. We will make implementation of these safety improvements a high priority and we will work with the University and the NCDOT to complete construction of the improvements by the end of summer this year. 



  1. Area Map (p. 4).
  2. E-mail Response from NCDOT (p. 5).