Summary of the 2007-2008

Town of Chapel Hill

Community Development Block Grant Program


The U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development awarded the Town of Chapel Hill $596,282 of Community Development funds in fiscal year 2007-2008. In addition, the Chapel Hill Town Council approved the reallocation of $44,026 in residual Community Development funds, bringing the total amount of available funds to $640,308.


On April 23, 2008 the Chapel Hill Town Council approved the following activities for the 2007-2008 Community Development program:


1.  Public Housing



Renovation of South Roberson Street Apts.



Refurbishing Program

$  30,000


Playground Equipment

$    2,000


2. Orange Community Housing and Land Trust



3.  Comprehensive Neighborhood Rehabilitation Program


$  70,000

4.  Neighborhood Revitalization


$  95,808

4. Community Services


$  59,500

Chapel Hill Police Department Youth Programs



Chapel Hill Training and Outreach/

  Family Resou rce Center After School Program



YMCA After School Program



5.  Administration




