Excerpt from Agenda materials from Strategic Planning Meeting January 11, 2008

Priorities Identified by Boards and Commissions

Chapel Hill Parks and Recreation Commission

  1. Funding to fix safety issues.
  2. Personnel and equipment for landscape/park maintenance needs.
  3. Repair and maintenance funding.
  4. Arts and recreation program facility that also serves as a headquarter for the Parks and Recreation Department Administration.

Chapel Hill Historic District Commission

  1. Reduce the fees for “Certificates of Appropriateness”.

Chapel Hill Public Arts Commission

  1. Implement with appropriate funding the provisions of the Chapel Hill Public Art Contextual Plan as may be approved by the Town Council.
  2. Sustain and improve the Municipal Percent-for-Art program.
  3. Catalog and maintain the permanent public art collection.
  4. Sustain the current public art programming.
  5. Develop public outreach and education.
  6. Improve the scope and impact of current public art programs.

Library Board of Trustees

  1. Maintain essential library service during the construction of the library expansion.
  2. Enhance communication and educational outreach.
  3. Update the Chapel Hill Library’s Information Technology Plan which expires this year.
  4. Service the Collection development effectively.
  5. Retain library staff and support them during transition.

Greenways Commission

  1. Provide at least $80,000 for the Greenways program in the annual Capital Improvements Program.
  2. Sell on schedule the 2003 Greenways Bonds currently scheduled for sale in 2008 and 2009.

Chapel Hill Human Services Advisory Board

  1. Continue to recommend allocations to those agencies that can effectively address:
    1. At-risk youth programs.
    2. Mental health services.
    3. Self-sufficiency programs.
    4. Programs that are aligned with the efforts to address homelessness.
    5. Programs focused on the Chapel Hill-Carrboro public housing communities.

Chapel Hill Community Design Commission

  1. Fund additional Town Planning Staff &/or Consultants to facilitate a Town wide citizen led Neighborhood Small Area Plan.
  2. Purchase modeling software &hire/train Town staff to develop a Town wide 3D computer model.
  3. Mass Transit Advocacy. 

Planning Board

  1. Begin revision of Chapel Hill Comprehensive Plan, including development of TOD guidelines.
  2. Complete revision of the Chapel Hill Tree Ordinance.
  3. Work on pending or new NCD applications.
  4. Consider revision of the ordinance specifying the minimum size for a project to require a SUP application.
  5. Consider revision of the current process for review of duplex applications.

Budget Requests:

  1. Hire a consultant to develop guidelines and remedies for failure to deliver on projects proposing LEED certification and other sustainability designs.
  2. Develop a workshop for Town advisory boards on current trends in progressive urban planning and transit resources.
  3. Accelerate sidewalk connections throughout Town.

Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership

  1. Basic Needs.
  2. Business Retention.
  3. Diversification of Downtown.
  4. Business Recruitment.
  5. Strategic Planning and Implementation for downtown.

Public Housing Advisory Board

  1. Allocate funds to cover the Housing Department’s anticipated 2008-2009 budget shortfall.
  2. Ensure that public housing stock (336 units) remains available to those most in need of subsidized housing options.
  3. Waive the Housing Department’s recycling, storm water, and dumpster fees and its annual contribution to the Town Operations Center to help alleviate the pressure to seek higher income tenants and to allow those funds to be directed towards the operating budget.
  4. Investigate the Housing Department owning a property to manage for profit.
  5. Allocate $45,000 for a resident services staff position.
  6. Continue to prioritize community oriented policing and ensure an adequate and visible police presence in the housing communities.


  1. Increases n Chapel Hill Transit Service
    1. Service to the Rogers Road area
    2. Increased weekend service
    1. Pedestrian safety improvements especially on MLK
    2. Budgeting routinely for capital expenditures ( ie bus purchases)