Sources, Requests, and Recommended Uses of 2008-2009 Federal Funds






Requested Use of Funds

Community Development


HOME Program









1. Town of Chapel Hill Housing Department

Section 504 and the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards Modernization of nine (9) apartments; Refurbishment of 40 apartments; Appliance replacement; Playground equipment repair and replacement.





2.Town of Chapel Hill Police Dept.


Youth Programs









3.Town of Chapel Hill

Community Development Program Administration








4. Town of Chapel Hill Comprehensive Rehabilitation Program

Rehabilitate owner occupied homes in the Northside and Pine Knolls neighborhoods.





5. Town of Chapel Hill Neighborhood Revitalization Program

Acquisition, demolition, renovation, public improvements, second mortgage assistance





6. Community Alternatives for Supportive Abodes (CASA)

Renovate five (5) duplexes on Pritchard Ave. Ext. for homeless and disabled persons earning below 30% of the AMI





$30,000 CDBG; $435,226 HOME

7. Chapel Hill – Carrboro YMCA

Operation of an after school program for children living in the Pine Knolls neighborhood and South Estes Drive public housing community












8. Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership

Funding for Real Change for Spare Change Program





Recommend alternate funding

9. Chapel Hill Training and Outreach Program

Operation of an after school program for children living in the South Estes public housing community





10. Empowerment

Pre-development costs for property located in the Pine Knolls neighborhood





Recommend reallocating existing funding

11. Empowerment

Renovate rental properties





Incomplete Application

12. Empowerment

Operation of Summer Intern Program





Ineligible activity

13. Habitat for Humanity of Orange County

Provide deferred payment zero-interest second mortgages





14. HR Consulting

Operation of a Financial Literacy and Money Management Training Program





Ineligible Subrecipient

15. Orange Community Housing and Land Trust

Homebuyer Assistance Program





$100,000 CDBG; $100,000 HOME

16. Orange Community Housing and Land Trust

Operating costs associated with HOME funded developments





17. Orange County Housing and Comm. Dev.

HOME Program






18. Town of Hillsborough

Infrastructure for the construction of six (6) new homes in partnership with Habitat for Humanity and 32 existing homes









