to: Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager
from: J.B. Culpepper, Planning Director
David Bonk, Long Range and Transportation Manager
subject: Calling a Hearing regarding Land Use Management Ordinance Text Amendments to Bicycle Parking Regulations
date: April 28, 2008
This memorandum summarizes the recommendations of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board and Transportation Board for modifications to the Town’s bicycle parking regulations.
Adoption of the attached Resolution would call a Public Hearing to consider making the recommended changes to the Land Use Management Ordinance provisions regarding bicycle parking.
In June 2007, Town Council enacted vehicle and bicycle parking space requirements identified in the Land Use Management Ordinance. At that time the Council requested the bicycle parking standards be further reviewed by the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board and Transportation Board.
Following the June 2007 Council meeting, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board and the Transportation Board discussed modifications to the enacted bicycle parking standards. In developing recommendations, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board reviewed other policies from other municipalities. A compilation of other bicycle parking requirements is included as Attachment 2. The bicycle parking recommendations proposed by the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board and Transportation Board include standards based on square footage of building facilities and a “minimum” requirement for various development uses.
With the exception of the recommendations for multi-family developments, the recommendations made by the Transportation Board and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board are identical for all other development uses. Currently, the Land Use Management Ordinance requires a minimum of 1 bicycle parking space per 6 residential dwelling units for multi-family developments. This ratio was recommended by the Town consultants and supported by staff. The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board proposed an alternative ratio of 1 bicycle parking space per unit (Attachment 3). The Transportation Board recommended changing the regulation to 1 bicycle parking space per 4 units (Attachment 4).
A Public Hearing will be required in order to consider amending the Land Use Management Ordinance.
To initiate the process, we recommend that the Council adopt the attached resolution to call a public hearing for September 15, 2008 to consider changing the parking regulations. If the Council adopts the attached resolution, we will forward the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board recommendations, along with the recommendations made by the Transportation Board, to the Planning Board for recommendation before the September 15 public hearing, as required by the Land Use Management Ordinance.