
to:                  Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager

from:            Butch Kisiah, Parks and Recreation Director

subject:      Response to Verbal Petition regarding Assistance for Southern Village Events by the Parks and Recreation Department.

date:             April 28, 2008


The purpose of this report is to present information concerning a petition regarding Southern Village HOA requesting Town Sponsorship of Various Summer Events.


At the March 3, 2008 Council Meeting, Councilmember Strom petitioned on behalf of the Southern Village HOA for assistance with the various events held in Southern Village, on the Village Green.


Berkeley Property Management, LLC., is the event coordinator for the Southern Village Market Street Association.  Parks and Recreation staff spoke with Mr. Tony Smith of Berkeley Property Management about the various events in Southern Village.  Mr. Smith is concerned with the cost of producing events in Southern Village, in particular, the N.C. Symphony concert scheduled for June 13, 2008. A complete listing of events may be found at the following web site. Fortunately for Southern Village, most of the events are underwritten by sponsorships and donations.


We recommend that the Town Council instruct the Parks and Recreation Department to continue a dialogue with Berkeley Property Management concerning events in Southern Village and that where possible, the Department assist in the planning and production of events.  At this time, we do not recommend any financial contribution by the Town of Chapel Hill to assist with these events.