Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager


George Small, P.E., Director of Engineering

Sue Burke, P.E., Stormwater Management Engineer


Continuation of Public Hearing and Adoption of the Revised Flood Insurance Study and Rate Map Panel 9890


May 5, 2008




This Public Hearing is being continued from the April 21, 2008 meeting to receive comments on proposed revisions to Flood Insurance Rate Map Panel 9890 and the accompanying changes to Volumes 1 and 2 of the Flood Insurance Study.  Adoption of the attached resolution would provide for the corrected Flood Insurance Rate Map Panel 9890 and the accompanying updates to Volumes 1 and 2 of 3 of the Flood Insurance Study to become effective on May 16, 2008.


The revised Flood Insurance Rate Map Panel 9890 would relieve affected property owners of the mandatory flood insurance purchase requirement and would maintain the Town’s participation in the National Flood Insurance Program.




The Town of Chapel Hill adopted the updated Flood Insurance Study and Flood Insurance Rate Maps in January 2007.  The study and maps became effective on February 2, 2007. 


A mapping error was found on Panel 9890 affecting properties along Dry Branch in the Silver Creek and Springcrest neighborhoods.  The North Carolina Division of Emergency Management directed its consultant to conduct a detailed study and remapping of the Dry Branch watershed.  The revised maps were issued in July 2007, with the properties in question no longer shown in the regulatory floodplain.




 No citizen comments were received at the April 21, 2008 Public Hearing.  No written comments were received by the Mayor, Council, or staff during the public comment period that ended on May 2, 2008.




We recommend that the Council close the Public Hearing and adopt the attached resolution that would provide for the corrected Flood Insurance Rate Map Panel 9890 and the accompanying updates to Volumes 1 and 2 of 3 of the Flood Insurance Study to become effective on May 16, 2008.