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AGENDA #3a(2)

To: Chapel Hill Town Council

From:  Go Chapel Hill Active Living by Design Advisory Committee

Petition: Complete Streets

Date:  May 19, 2008



The Go Chapel Hill Active Living by Design Advisory Committee in collaboration with the Town’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board as well as the Town’s Parks and Recreation Commission -- requests that the Town Council appoint a task force to establish a Complete Streets Policy and to draft a Complete Streets Ordinance with corresponding departmental operational procedures.


Chapel Hill is a leader in innovation and highly values a high quality of life for its residents.


The Town:


However, Chapel Hill’s transportation planning system currently lacks a coordinated approach to expanding, maintaining, and encouraging pedestrian, bicycle and transit use, and ensuring the safety of those users.


A Complete Streets Policy and Ordinance encompasses all of the varied mobility sources within a town and creates an over-arching strategy to ensure that all transportation modes are given balanced consideration.


A Complete Streets Ordinance includes provisions to create a multi-departmental focus on the Town’s “Complete Streets” policy, including updating design, planning and policy manuals; training personnel to plan, design, and maintain complete streets; implementing procedures for citizen input and rating infrastructure requests; and creating checklists and program audits to evaluate how well roads serve all users.


Components and strategies of a Complete Streets policy are outlined in the following paragraphs. Examples of complete streets policies and guides are included as attachments.

Vision Statement for a Complete Streets Ordinance

The safety and convenience of all users of the town’s transportation system – including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, freight, and motor vehicle drivers – is accommodated and balanced in transportation and development projects so that even the most vulnerable – children, elderly, and persons with disabilities – can travel safely, confidently, and pleasantly within the public right of way.

Components of Complete Streets Ordinance

q       Public Outreach

q       Enforcement

q       Infrastructure

q       Maintenance

q       Technology

q       Policies and Design Standards

q       Legislative Action

q       Funding


Public Outreach Strategies


Enforcement Strategies


Infrastructure Strategies


Technology Strategies


Policy Strategies


Legislative Strategies


Closing Remarks

The adoption of a Complete Streets Ordinance will ensure that recent efforts to make the streets of Chapel Hill safer for all users is continued and expanded upon. A Complete Streets Ordinance will combine current programs and policies with new initiatives and strategies to build a comprehensive transportation network designed to make driving, walking, cycling, and accessing public transportation safer for all users. A comprehensive transportation network, or Complete Streets program, is also a means to promote physical activity and improve health, as well as to reduce carbon emissions assisting in the Town’s efforts to meet the goals of the Community Carbon Reduction (CRed) pledge.


The Town will improve the quality of life for all Chapel Hill residents and visitors by providing safe and attractive streets for walking, bicycling, and driving.


  1. PowerPoint Presentation [1.9 MB pdf]
  2. Urban Street Design Guidelines Policy Recommendations Summary (Draft for Review by Council's Transportation Committee - June 22,2007) [194 KB pdf]