
to:                  Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager

from:            Sabrina M. Oliver, Communications & Public Affairs Director

subject:       Appointments to the Greenways Commission

date:             June 9, 2008

Tonight, the Council may make appointments to two vacancies on the Greenways Commission, to be effective July 1, 2008.

A recommendation from the Greenways Commission is attached. The Greenways Commission has requested reappointment of Jim Earnhardt for a one-year term extension.  According to the Council Procedures Manual Section II.F.3. “…The Council may reappoint an individual to a board or commission for an additional one-year term following two consecutive terms, by resolution for the purpose of completing ongoing projects.” 

Copies of the applications and ballots are attached. Adoption of the attached resolution would also extend Mr. Earnhardt’s term.