AGENDA #3a(3)
From: Jack Chestnut [mailto: [email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 8:23 AM
To: Carlo Robustelli
Subject: Tree trimming
I work at 750 Weaver Dairy Road in Chapel Hill. On Monday, June 2nd a tree company (Townsend Tree Service) was trimming trees from the power lines on Weaver Dairy Road. I could not believe they picked 8:00AM. to do the work. At about 8:30 there was a major wreck in the area where they were working. I called the tree service company and ask why they would chose peak time on Weaver Dairy Road to do the trimming. They said Chapel Hill unlike other towns does not have a 9:00 AM code, 9:00AM Code means they can not start until after 9:00AM.
I know there must be a police report on file about the wreck. But that does not matter maybe we can stop a wreck from happening in the first place. I really do not know if there was a cause and effect because of the tree work or not. It may not have been related.
I would like to recommend that the Town Council vote the have a Code that would restrict such types of work during peak times, morning and afternoon, in high traffic areas.
Thank You
Jack Chestnut H
W 919-918-3210