TO: Roger L. Stancil, Town
FROM: Sabrina M. Oliver, Town Clerk
SUBJECT: Naming Committee Meeting
DATE: May 21, 2008
The Naming Committee met on May 21, 2008, in the First Floor Conference Room at 8:30 a.m. Those present included Council Member and Chair Sally Greene, Mayor Pro tem Jim Ward, Council Member Bill Strom, Roscoe and Mary Reeve, and Communications and Public Affairs Director Sabrina Oliver.
Mr. and Mrs. Reeve requested that the Committee add Mildred Ringwalt’s name to the Peace and Justice Plaza marker. Mr. Reeve explained that Ms. Ringwalt was Mrs. Reeve’s mother, and that she had been a champion of civil rights for many years in Chapel Hill. Mr. Reeve went on to give a detailed account of Ms. Ringwalt’s commitment to social justice.
Council Member Strom moved to add Ms. Ringwalt’s name to the marker and to immediately proceed with the work order for the marker. Mayor pro tem Ward seconded the motion, and clarified that the names of all nominees would appear in alphabetical order on the marker. The vote was unanimous.
It was also the consensus of the Committee to recommend to the Council that the Council Procedures Manual be amended by adding a section to the Naming Committee policies specifically outlining criteria for the Peace and Justice Plaza marker as follows:
A brief discussion was held regarding the placement of narratives and photographs of nominees on display inside the Post Office building. It was the consensus of the Committee to refer this to the Communications Committee.