From: Angie Bailey
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2008 10:33 AM
To: Gribble, John; [email protected]; [email protected]; Boyer, Mark; [email protected]; Catherine Lazorko
Cc: Carol Torian; Richard Kelly; Cary Edgar
Subject: Notification of PEG Grant Award


Dear PEG Channel Grant Applicant,


This email is to notify you that your proposal to the e-NC Authority for a PEG Channel Capital Expenditure grant has been approved by the e-NC Authority.  The list of awardee organizations and amounts is attached. All projects were funded per the budgets laid out in the proposals.


I apologize, our board voted on these awards on April 9, but we had our annual conference last week and I am just getting the notices out. Unfortunately, we only received four complete applications. But luckily, yours was one of them.


Here is the basic information on the contracting and payment process for these grants:


Re: Grant Agreements/Contracts

The grant period for all grants will begin on April 9, 2008 effective upon signing of the contract.  I need to know from you how long you need to complete the project, so we can determine the end date.  We do expect all projects to be completed by December 31, 2008.  We do have to have the grant agreements in place (and signed) prior to June 30. The e-NC Authority is housed in the N.C. Rural Economic Development Center, who acts as our fiscal and contracting agent, so the agreements will be with the Rural Center on behalf of e-NC. The hardcopy contracts will be mailed out to the “authorized signers” listed on the applications. You will receive two signed originals. You will need to have them signed on your end, keep one, and send one back to us here at the Rural Center. My goal is to get the contract/grant agreements turned in to the Rural Center for processing by the end of next week.


Re: Expenditures, Payments and Matching Funds

The grant period again will begin on April 9, 2008 (the day our board voted). That means that the expenditures to be charged to the e-NC grant funding must be incurred between April 9 and whatever we determine to be the grant end date. There is a Financial Request/Reporting Form that will be mailed out with the contract. You will use this form to report your expenses and will need to attach the relevant invoices or financial statements as back-up, to show expenses incurred.  We prefer to pay on a reimbursement basis. If you have funding to pay for the project up front and to submit all expenses at one time, that is the most straightforward process. If you need funding along the way, we can work to accommodate that as well.  You will need to document the matching funds as well, in order to receive payment.


We prefer that the expenditures paid with the matching funds be incurred during this same period. That is generally the standard for dealing with matching funds. However, the legislation related to this grant program recognizes a July-June fiscal year, and we believe that the intent of this program was to have it operate on a July-June fiscal year calendar. Therefore, if your matching funds have been spent between July 1, 2007 and April 9, 2008, we will accept those as match as well.  The matching funds will need to be reported on the same Financial Request/Reporting Form with the relevant back-up materials attached.


Re: Timeline

We should have the contracts mailed out by the first week of May.


Re: Contacts

We have several folks on our staff working on the PEG Channel grants.  These are the primary contacts:

Angie Bailey, Assistant Director, contracting process and oversight of payments

Carol Torian, e-NC Project Coordinator, processing of Financial Request/Reporting Forms

Richard Kelly, Telecommunications Specialist, technical assistance and oversight


Please note that I have copied both the authorized signers and project contacts in this email. I hope this information is helpful. Thanks for your patience with this process. Please feel free to contact me with any questions at 919-250-4314 x4242.  I will be out of town this week (after today) so the best way to reach me this week is by email or my cell: 919-218-3701.


Thanks. I look forward to working with you.





Angie Bailey

Assistant Director

The e-NC Authority

4021 Carya Drive

Raleigh, N.C. 27610

Office Phone: 919-250-4314

Cell Phone: 919-218-3701

Fax: 919-250-4325