Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager


George Small, P.E., Engineering Director

J.B. Culpepper, Planning Director

David Bonk, Long Range and Transportation Planning Manager

Len Cone, Active Living by Design Coordinator

Kumar Neppalli, Engineering Services Manager


Follow-Up Report on Construction of Sidewalk and Traffic Calming Measures on Tinkerbell Road


June 9, 2008




This is a follow-up report regarding sidewalk and traffic calming measures on Tinkerbell Road between Ephesus Church Road and Fountain Ridge Road.  Please see the area map provided in Attachment 1.


Unless we receive a different direction from the Town Council, we will move forward with the construction of the sidewalk on west side of Tinkerbell Road between Ephesus Church Road and Fountain Ridge Road.




At its February 25, 2008 meeting, the Council received a report concerning sidewalk and traffic calming measures on Tinkerbell Road between Ephesus Church Road and Fountain Ridge Road. 

The report was provided in response to a citizen request that the Town not construct a sidewalk on Tinkerbell Road but pursue the implementation of traffic calming strategies to slow traffic. A copy of the February 25 report is provided in Attachment 2.


Town staff conducted a neighborhood meeting on March 11 to discuss and seek input from residents on sidewalk and traffic calming. We notified 91 property owners on Tinkerbell Road (both north and south portions) and 6 residents attended the meeting.  A majority of the residents attending the meeting opposed the sidewalk and traffic calming on Tinkerbell Road.  Several residents requested that we install orange flags on the existing stop signs on Tinkerbell Road at two intersections.  The Town staff completed this work in March.  Also, as requested by the residents, the Town staff installed an in-street pedestrian crosswalk sign on Ephesus Church Road at Churchill Drive.


Because of the low turnout at the neighborhood meeting, we mailed a survey form to all property owners on Tinkerbell Road between Ephesus Church Road and Fountain Ridge Road requesting their input on sidewalk and traffic calming measures. We mailed 32 surveys and the results are provided below:


Support sidewalk:                                 18

Do not support sidewalk:                      12


Support traffic calming:                         16

Do not support traffic calming:              14


In order to implement traffic calming strategies along Tinkerbell Road, Town policy requires that a valid petition for traffic calming measures such as speed tables must be signed by two-thirds of the property owners within the service area surrounding the proposed project site(s).  We will provide the petition and other documents to area residents and assist them in the process if requested.




The proposal to construct a sidewalk on west side of Tinkerbell Road between Ephesus Church Road and Fountain Ridge Road was based on the results of the standard criteria used for ranking all sidewalk projects.  We believe the construction of a sidewalk on Tinkerbell Road would improve pedestrian mobility and safety in the area, including providing improved access to the Ephesus Elementary School. Unless the Council directs otherwise, we will move forward with the construction of a sidewalk on the west side of Tinkerbell Road between Ephesus Church Road and Fountain Ridge Road. We will work with residents whose property is affected to minimize any impacts.



  1. Area Map (p. 3).
  2. February 25, 2008 Council Report (p. 4).