Mayor and Town Council


Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager

Kenneth C. Pennoyer, Director of Business Management


Consideration of Final Budget and Related Items


June 9, 2008

Adoption of the attached resolution would establish the budget for 2008-09 and authorize a variety of related actions.  The resolution establishing the budget for 2008-09 would set a tax rate of 42.3 cents per $100 assessed value for the General Fund, 11.0 cents per $100 assessed value for Debt Service and 4.8 cents per $100 assessed value for the Transportation Fund for a combined tax rate of 58.1 cents per $100 assessed value, an increase of 5.9 cents over the 2007-08 budget. The resolution would set the tax rate for the Downtown Service District at 9.0 cents per $100 assessed value, the same level as in 2007-08 and 2006-07.

The Council may choose to vote on each item separately or may choose to make adjustments in any of the separate items before voting on the comprehensive resolution.

Separate items follow that:


We are pleased to bring to you the package of items that upon adoption would constitute the annual budget for 2008-09.  The final budget proposal:



We recommend that Council adopt the attached resolution to establish a budget and authorize related work for 2008-09.