TO:                  Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager


FROM:            K. Stephen Spade, Transit Director

                        Kenneth C. Pennoyer, Director of Business Management


SUBJECT:       Resolution to Accept a Surface Transportation Program Operating Grant


DATE:             June 25, 2008




The purpose of this report is to request Council accept the allocation of an operating grant approved by the Transportation Advisory Committee on April 9, 2008.  The grant will be used to conduct transit marketing activities, to participate in local transportation demand management activities, to develop the Short Range Transit Plan and to monitor and evaluate system performance for Chapel Hill Transit.




On May 19, 2008 the Council authorized the filing of applications for federal and State transit grants for capital and planning funds as part of the 2008-2009 budget.


The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides Surface Transportation Program-Direct Attributable (STP-DA) funds to urbanized areas over 200,000 in population.  These funds are provided to the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO) based on the population of the urbanized area.  The DCHC MPO receives these funds directly and has the authority to allocate these funds to projects as needed.


In 2007 the Transportation Advisory Committee requested that the Lead Planning Agency staff and the Transportation Coordinating Committee work to develop a STP-DA funding proposal for the 2008-2015 Transportation Improvement Program.  It is expected that the DCHC MPO will allocate about 17% annually to transit projects.


The grant includes $200,000 in federal funds.  The State of North Carolina’s Public Transportation Division will not participate in this project.


The Town of Chapel Hill will provide a local match of $50,000 consisting of a combination of funds from the Transit Capital Reserve and salaries in the operating fund.


That Council adopt the attached resolution authorizing acceptance of Surface Transportation Program-Direct Attributable funds.