TO:             Roger Stancil, Town Manager


FROM:        Dwight Bassett, Economic Development Officer


DATE:         June 12, 2008


RE:             First Year Activities


The Council decided to place a renewed focus on economic development in the Town by creating the Economic Development Officer position.  During my first year as the Town’s Economic Development Officer, I believe we have achieved positive results for the Town and business community.   We have worked with the Council Committee on Economic Development to host a discussion and draft an Economic Development Strategy for the Town and begun to establish long-term relationships with the business community.


Some of the activities undertaken in the first year, beyond the Economic Development Strategy, include;


The Town Manager assigned three initial goals to work on in the first year for Economic Development;

  1. From existing Town plans, develop an economic development strategy we can share and gain consensus from the Council and staff.
  2. Assist in review of development process and identify process improvements.  Remembering the statement I always hear: we like the results but we hate the process.
  3. Begin to identify specific projects and work on them.  It seems reasonable to me that we could make substantial progress in some aspects of a project within the first 12 months.


We have made significant progress on each of the three tasks, including the third goal with the sale and future redevelopment of the University Mall/Ram’s Plaza.