
to:                  Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager

from:            J.B. Culpepper, Planning Director

                        David Bonk, Long Range Planning and Transportation Coordinator

subject:       Status of Long Range Transit Plan

date:             June 25, 2008

The Long Range Transit Plan Policy Committee met on May 23, 2008 to review the status of the project and next steps.

The consultant is working on enhancing the previous transit ridership analysis to include an off model assessment of transit demand resulting from parking limitations on the University main campus and the proposed Carolina North development. We are also arranging a conversation between University representatives and their land use consultant for the Carolina North development with the land use consultant for the Long Range Transit Plan to discuss design issues for the proposed Carolina North Master Plan.

At this time TranSystem is anticipated to complete work on the financial analysis and related plan along with an implementation plan by September, 2008. We believe we will schedule a meeting in late August or early September of he Policy Committee to review these elements. We expect the project to be completed in late September and a final presentation scheduled for early October, 2008.