WHEREAS, the applications for service on an advisory board or commission or other committees listed below have been received; and

WHEREAS, the applicants have been determined by the Town Clerk to be eligible to serve; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the following names are placed in nomination to serve on an advisory board or commission:

Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board

Roger Lundblad

Board of Adjustment

Michael Ousdahl

Susan Stanton

Cemeteries Advisory Board

Rebecca Clark

Mary L. Hayes

Patti Hucks

Steve Moore

David Work

Chapel Hill Active Living by Design Partnership

Michael Ousdahl

Chapel Hill Public Arts Commission

Gerald Bolas

Community Design Commission

Michael Ousdahl

Human Services Advisory Board

Mae McLendon

Justice in Action Committee

Arthur Finn

Kyle Kaplan

Mae McLendon

Kelly Reilly

Susan Stanton

Miriam Thompson

André Wesson

OWASA Board of Directors

David Work

Parks and Recreation Commission

Roger Lundblad

Susan Stanton

Personnel Appeals Committee

Mae McLendon

Planning Board

Michael Ousdahl

Transportation Board

Roger Lundblad

This the 8th day of September, 2008.