to: Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager
from: Sabrina Oliver, Communications and Public Affairs Director
Butch Kisiah, Parks and Recreation Director
Ken Pennoyer, Business Management Director
Valerie Meicher, Human Resource Development Director
subject: Budget Ordinance Amendment to Transfer Funds from Parks and Recreation to Communications and Public Affairs
date: September 8, 2008
Enactment of the attached budget ordinance amendment would provide funds to expand a Graphic Artist position in Communications and Public Affairs (CaPA) from a 20-hour per week contract position to a 30-hour per week regular part-time position.
At its June 27, 2007 business meeting, the Town Council enacted an ordinance that implemented changes to the position classification grade, title, and departmental changes for selected Town positions. The ordinance included the addition of one unfunded Graphic Artist position at grade 35 to the Communications and Public Affairs Department.
CaPA staff is working to better integrate communications throughout the organization by encouraging departments to seek its professional assistance in advertising, marketing, public affairs and media relations. Funding this position would be part of that process. The position would help develop a new Town of Chapel Hill website and provide marketing assistance to the Parks and Recreation Department as a beginning step toward the enhanced marketing and media relations effort.
Currently, CaPA is using the services of a contract Graphic Artist to address the department’s needs. In order to now fund the regular part-time position, a budget ordinance amendment must be adopted to move $15,000 from the Parks and Recreation budget to the CaPA budget. Funds will also be moved from CaPA’s approved budget from temporary services to fund this position.
That the Council adopt the attached budget ordinance amendment moving funds from Parks and Recreation to the Communications and Public Affairs Department operating budget to fund the Graphic Artist position.