(Approving the Special Use Permit Application)
RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that it finds that the
Woodmont Phase I Special Use Permit proposed by Capital Associates, on property
identified as Durham County Property Identifier Numbers 9798-04-71-8729,
9798-04-81-1816, 9798-04-82-6093, and a portion of 9798-04-82-9499; if
developed according to the Site Plan, dated 5/23/07, revised 11/21/07 and
3/25/08, the Master Land Use Plan and the conditions listed below would:
- Be consistent with the Master Land Use Plan.
- Comply with all required regulations and standards of the Land Use
Management Ordinance.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Council hereby approves the application for a Special
Use Permit for Phase I of the Woodmont development in accordance with the plans
listed above and with the conditions listed below:
Specific to the Development
- Construction Deadline: That construction begin by September 8,
2010 and be completed by September 8, 2018.
- Phasing Plan including Mix of Uses: That the applicant submit a
phasing plan that identifies the sequence of development for the land uses, and
ensures that no Certificate of Occupancy is granted until the development has
the mix of floor area required by the Ordinance in Section 3.5.1(b)(2)A.
- Land Use Intensity: This Special Use Permit approves a mixed use
development with:
Gross Land Area
14.25 acres
Total Maximum Floor Area
183,900 SF
Minimum Office Type Business or Clinic Floor Area
95,000 SF
Minimum Residential Floor Area
88,900 SF
Minimum Retail Floor Area
5,000 SF
Minimum Residential Dwelling Units
Minimum Affordable Dwelling Units
Minimum Recreation Space
27,625 SF
Maximum Vehicular Parking Spaces
Minimum Bicycle Parking Spaces
Affordable Housing Stipulations
- Affordable Housing Plan: That the applicant submit an Affordable
Housing Plan that addresses: 1) the provision of affordable units; 2) the eligibility
of owners; 3) the marketing the units; 4) setting rates; 5) the assurance of the
time period that units will be affordable; and 6) the assurance that units will
remain affordable. That an Affordable Housing Plan, be reviewed and approved by
the Town Manager, prior to issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit.
- Affordable Housing Payment-in-Lieu: That the applicant either
provide nine affordable units or some combination of units and payment-in-lieu
equivalent to nine, with the requirement that the applicant provide at least
five affordable units.
- Affordable Housing Transfer Fee: That monies collected from a
transfer fee associated with the sale/resale of properties are to be placed
into a fund for the specific purpose of paying condominium and townhome homeowners
association dues for persons who acquire affordable housing. Details of the
fund shall be approved by the Town Manager.
Stipulations Related to
- Traffic Signal Timing: Prior to a Zoning Compliance Permit, the
applicant shall provide a payment-in-lieu of $5,000 to review and revise the
traffic signal timing plans at the following intersections:
- NC 54/Barbee Chapel Road/E. Barbee Chapel Road
- NC 54/Meadowmont Lane/Friday Drive
- NC 54/W. Barbee Chapel Road
- NC 54/Burning Tree Drive/Finley Golf Course Road
- NC 54/Hamilton Road
- Barbee Chapel Road and Finley Forest Road/Site Entrance Intersection:Prior
to the first Certificate of Occupancy the applicant shall:
- Construct a right turn lane with appropriate storage and taper on
northbound of Barbee Chapel Road.
- Construct a left turn lane with appropriate storage and
appropriate taper on southbound of Barbee Chapel Road.
- Improve the frontage for the above travel lanes and existing
travel lanes with standard curb & gutter, utility strip, concrete sidewalk
plus additional pavement width for a bicycle lane.
- Construct a three (3) lane cross-section consisting of one ingress lane
and two egress lanes westbound of the Site Entrance. The egress lanes should
consist of an exclusive right-turn lane and a combination through/left-turn
- The design and
construction details of the above improvements shall be reviewed and approved
by the Town Manager and the North Carolina Department of Transportation prior
to the issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit.
- Raleigh Road (NC 54) and Barbee Chapel Road Intersection: Prior
to the first Certificate of Occupancy the applicant shall:
- Construct an additional exclusive left-turn lane with appropriate
storage and taper northbound of Barbee Chapel Road.
- Convert the existing through-right lane into an exclusive
through-left lane northbound of Barbee Chapel Road.
- Construct an exclusive right-turn lane with appropriate storage
and taper northbound of Barbee Chapel Road.
- Upgrade the traffic signal to include the above roadway
improvements with pedestrian amenities on all approaches with street imprinted
crosswalks, countdown pedestrian heads, and bicycle activated loops.
- Extend the existing median on Barbee Chapel Road to prohibit left
turns from and onto Stancell Drive.
- The design and
construction details of the above improvements shall be reviewed and approved
by the Town Manager and the North Carolina Department of Transportation prior
to the issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit.
- Public Street through the Site connecting Barbee Chapel Road and
Raleigh Road: The main internal street transecting the site shall be a
public street. Prior to the first Certificate of Occupancy the applicant shall
construct the proposed internal street to Town of Chapel Hill standard:
- With a 27 foot wide public street cross-section with standard 30
inch curb & gutter, 3 foot wide utility strip, 5 foot wide concrete
sidewalk on both sides of the street, traffic calming devices such as traffic
circles, roundabout, speed tables, raised crosswalks, and dedication of a 45
foot wide right-of-way to the Town.
- The section from NC 54 to a point approximately 300 feet south
shall be constructed as a 3 lane section.
- No angled on-street parking is permitted.
- The distances between the driveways must be consistent with Town
of Chapel Hill public street design.
The design and
construction details of the above improvements shall be reviewed and approved
by the Town Manager and the North Carolina Department of Transportation where
appropriate prior to the issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit.
- Traffic Signal Payment-in-Lieu: Prior to issuance of a Zoning
Compliance Permit, the applicant shall submit a payment-in-lieu for the
installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Barbee Chapel Road and
the new street proposed as part of this development. The cost estimate shall
provide for the installation of mast arms and pedestrian signals. If a traffic
signal is not warranted within five years after full build-out of the project,
the payment shall be returned to the applicant.
- Bus Shelter Payment-in-Lieu: That the applicant shall provide a payment-in-lieu
for a bus stop shelter, with a solar generated (solar orientation permitting)
passenger information system and lighting, a bench, and trash receptacle,
consistent with Town standards.
- Transportation Management Plan: That a Transportation Management
Plan be approved by the Town Manager prior to issuance of a Zoning Compliance
Permit for the office portion of the development. This plan shall be updated
and approved annually by the Town Manager. The required components of the
Transportation Management Plan shall include:
- Provision for designation of a Transportation Coordinator;
- Provisions for an annual Transportation Survey and Annual Report to the
Town Manager;
- Quantifiable traffic reduction goals and objectives;
- Ridesharing incentives;
- Public transit incentives;
- Traffic demand strategies for
employees and residents of the site including items such as the Meadowmont
shuttle, car sharing vehicles, and posted transit information;
- Other measures subject to approval
by the Town Manager.
- Meadowmont Shuttle: That the applicant will provide a shuttle or
transit payment-in-lieu to primarily serve Woodmont employees and Meadowmont
- Payment-In-Lieu for Park-Ride/Transit: Prior to the Zoning
Compliance Permit for Phase I, the applicant shall provide a payment-in-lieu of
$100,000 to be used for transit and park/ride.
Stipulations Related to Landscaping and Building
- Landscape Buffers: That the applicant shall provide the following
landscape buffers:
B Bufferyard Required
to Buildings B and C
Type “B” / minimum 10’ wide
other boundaries
Type “C
“ / minimum 20’ wide
- Landscape Protection Plan: That a detailed Landscape Protection
Plan, clearly indicating which rare and specimen trees shall be removed and
preserved, critical root zones of all rare and specimen trees, significant tree
stands, detail of protective fencing and construction parking and materials
staging/storage areas, and including Town standard landscaping protection
notes, shall be approved by the Town Manager prior to issuance of a Zoning
Compliance Permit. That the plan shall provide tree protection fencing for all
land disturbance proposed off-site.
- Landscape Planting and Maintenance Plan: That a detailed
Landscape Plan and a Landscape Maintenance Plan shall be approved by the Town
Manager prior to issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit. The landscape plan
shall indicate the size, type, and location of all proposed plantings as well
as the limits of land disturbance and tree protection fencing.
- Building Elevations: That the Community Design Commission shall
approve building elevations, lighting, including the location and screening of
all HVAC/Air Handling Units for this project, prior to issuance of a Zoning
Compliance Permit.
- Lighting Plan: That the Community Design Commission shall approve
a lighting plan for this site and shall take additional care during review to
ensure that the proposed lighting plan will minimize 1) upward light pollution
and 2) offsite spillage of light, prior to issuance of a Zoning Compliance
Stipulations Related to Stormwater and Erosion Control
- Stormwater Management: The development shall demonstrate
compliance with the stormwater management performance criteria of the Land Use
Management Ordinance for water quality, stormwater volume control, and
stormwater runoff rates. Stormwater management structures shall be
designed in accordance with the requirements contained in the Town’s Land Use
Management Ordinance, the Town Design Manual, and applicable State criteria.
- Impervious Surface Tally: The applicant shall provide a tally of
all built-upon areas of this project to ensure the project does not exceed the
impervious area limit under the high density option. With the high
density option, it will be necessary for the applicant to provide a perpetual
surety for the maintenance and operation of the required stormwater facilities subject
to Town Manager approval, prior to the issuance of the Certificate of
- Curb Inlet Covers: All new Town and State right-of-way and
private curb inlet hoods/covers installed within the Chapel Hill Planning
Jurisdiction shall be pre-cast stating, "Dump No Waste! Drains to Jordan Lake",
in accordance with the specifications of the Town Standard Detail SD-5A.
- Location of Stormwater Management Facilities: Stormwater
management facilities and associated infrastructure must be located outside of
existing or proposed rights-of-way as well as outside of all building setbacks.
- Erosion Control Permit: That the applicant provide a copy of the
approved erosion and sediment control permit from Durham County Erosion Control
Division prior to receiving a Zoning Compliance Permit.
- Stormwater Easements: A copy of the
final plat or easement exhibit, signed and sealed by a North Carolina-registered
Land Surveyor and recorded at the County Register of Deeds, and containing
the following notes shall be submitted prior to issuance of the Certificate of
- All engineered
stormwater management control, treatment, and conveyance structures above
and below the ground shall be wholly located within an easement entitled:
"Reserved Stormwater Facility Easement Hereby Dedicated" and
shall be reserved from any development which would obstruct or constrict
the effective management, control, and conveyance of stormwater from or
across the property, other than the approved design and operation
- Unless
specifically designated as being "Public" and accepted by the
Town of Chapel Hill, the "Reserved Stormwater Facility
Easement(s)" and the facilities it/they protect are considered to be
private, with the sole responsibility of the owner to provide for all
required maintenance and operations as approved by the Town Manager.
- The Reserved
Stormwater Facility Easement and the Operations and Maintenance
Plan are binding on the owner, heirs, successors, and assigns.
- Stormwater Operations and
Maintenance Plan: Prior to issuance of a
Certificate of Occupancy, a Stormwater Operations and Maintenance Plan,
shall be provided for the proposed stormwater management facilities and
submitted to the Stormwater Management Engineer for approval. A schedule of inspection and maintenance tasks
shall be included. The Stormwater Operations and Maintenance Plan shall
be signed by the owner and shall be recorded at the County Register of Deeds.
- Erosion Control: If one (1) acre or more is uncovered by land-disturbing
activities for this project, then a performance guarantee in accordance with
Section 5-97.1 Bonds of the Town Code of Ordinances shall be required prior to
final authorization to begin land-disturbing activities.
Stipulations Related to Water, Sewer, and Other Utilities
- Overhead Power Lines: That all proposed or relocated utility
lines, except for three-phase lines, shall be located underground.
- Utility/Lighting Plan Approval: That the final utility/lighting
plan be approved by Orange Water and Sewer Authority, Duke Energy Company,
TimeWarner Cable, Public Service Company, AT&T or GTE, and the Town Manager
before issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit.
- Per unit Water Consumption Management: That the applicant provide
a system and management arrangement to ensure billing for water use by each
dwelling unit within the development. The system and arrangements must be
approved by the Town Manager prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy,
and must meet the requirements of the Orange Water and Sewer Authority and
North Carolina Utilities Commission.
- OWASA Easements: That the applicant adjust the proposed water
and sewer lines to reserve a corridor for a future water transmission main.
Stipulations Related To the Environment
- Energy Management Plan: That prior to the issuance of a Zoning
Compliance Permit the applicant submit an Energy Management Plan that would
include energy efficient measures as well as other sustainability measures.
- Energy Efficiency: That prior to the issuance of a Certificate of
Occupancy the applicant submit energy models showing a minimum energy
efficiency savings for the building of 20% relative to ASHRAE (American Society
of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers) Standard 90.1-2004.
That the applicant provide for an acceptable level of increased energy
efficiency that also ensures indoor air quality and adequate access to natural
lighting, use of other energy-saving measures such as energy-efficient compact
fluorescent fixtures, etc.
Fire Safety Stipulations
- Fire Flow Report: That a fire flow report for all new development
shall be prepared and sealed by a registered professional engineer, which
demonstrates that flows meet the minimum requirements of the Town Design
Manual, to be approved by the Town Manager prior to issuance of a Zoning
Compliance Permit.
- Fire Hydrant Accessibility: That all structures shall be located
within 500 feet of a fire hydrant. That the applicant maintain a 50-foot
maximum distance between fire hydrants and fire department connections, in a
clearly visible and accessible location on the street side of buildings.
Stipulations Related to State and Federal Approvals
- State or Federal Approvals: That any required State or federal
permits or encroachment agreements be approved and copies of the approved
permits and agreements be submitted to the Town of Chapel Hill prior to the
issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit.
- NCDOT Approvals: That plans for improvements to State-maintained
roads be approved by NCDOT prior to issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit for
the subject phase of development.
Miscellaneous Stipulations
- Public Art:
- All Phases: An artwork
construction and installation plan shall be approved by the Town Manager prior
to the issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit. Request for
Qualifications/Request for Proposals and method of artist selection shall be
agreed upon by the applicant and the Public Art Administrator. Should the
applicant choose to employ an outside public art consultant, said consultant, the
initiated process, and contract must be approved by the Public Art
- Phase I: The applicant shall
provide an initial payment of $25,000 to the Town of Chapel Hill for public
artwork at the development site prior to the issuance of a Zoning Compliance
Permit for Phase I. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for
Phase I, the applicant shall provide an additional $50,000 for public artwork
for Phase I.
- Phase II: Prior to the issuance
of a Zoning Compliance Permit for Phase II, the applicant shall provide an
additional $25,000 toward public artwork at the development site. Prior to the
issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for Phase II, the applicant shall
provide an additional $50,000 for public artwork.
- Phase III: The applicant shall
provide the $100,000 for public artwork prior to the issuance of a Zoning
Compliance Permit for Phase III.
- Irrigation: That the applicant incorporate several strategies for
using rainwater and minimizing the use of potable water. These strategies
- Collecting
water from rooftops in cisterns for use in irrigating ground level plant
- Utilizing
the site’s retention ponds for irrigating ground level plant materials.
- Collecting
water from rooftops in cisterns for use in evaporative cooling Heat and Air
Conditioning systems, on buildings where these systems are used.
- Specifying
native plants, which are more acclimated to local wet and dry cycles, and
xerophytic landscaping in areas that are not intended to be wet. The applicant proposes
to use plants that thrive in wet conditions at the proposed water retention
basins, similar to plantings at the Exchange office complex.
- Restrictive
covenants established after October 1, 2008 shall specifically state that any
requirements for irrigation are suspended during declared periods of drought.
- Recreation Space: That prior to the issuance of a Zoning
Compliance Permit the applicant submit details of the proposed recreation
facilities for review and approval by the Town Manager. That a payment-in-lieu
of Recreation Space be accepted by the Town Manager in the event that
conditions change and the developer elects to make a partial payment.
- Solid Waste Management Plan: That a detailed Solid Waste
Management Plan, including a recycling plan and a plan for managing and
minimizing construction debris, be approved by the Town Manager prior to
issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit.
- Construction Management Plan: That a Construction Management
Plan, be approved by the Town Manager prior to issuance of a Zoning Compliance
Permit. The construction management plan shall: 1) indicate how construction
vehicle traffic will be managed, 2) identify parking areas for on-site
construction workers including plans to prohibit parking in residential
neighborhoods, 3) indicate construction staging and material storage areas, and
4) identify construction trailers and other associated temporary construction
management structures.
- Traffic and Pedestrian Control Plan: That the applicant provide a
Work Zone Traffic Control Plan for movement of motorized and non-motorized
vehicles on any public street that will be disrupted during construction. The
plan shall include a pedestrian management plan indicating how pedestrian
movements will be safely maintained. The plan must be reviewed and approved by
the Town Manager prior to the issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit. At
least 5 working days prior to any proposed lane or street closure the applicant
must apply to the Town Manager for a lane or street closure permit.
- Construction Sign Required: That the applicant post a
construction sign that lists the property owner’s representative, with a
telephone number; the contractor’s representative, with a telephone number; and
a telephone number for regulatory information prior to issuance of a Zoning
Compliance Permit. That a detail of the sign must be reviewed and approved by
the Town Manager prior to the issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit.
- Detailed Plans: That final detailed site plans, grading plans,
utility/lighting plans, stormwater management plans (with hydrologic
calculations), landscape plans, and landscape maintenance plans be approved by
the Town Manager before issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit, and that such
plans conform to plans approved by this application and demonstrate compliance
with all applicable regulations and the design standards of the Land Use
Management Ordinance and the Design Manual.
- Open Burning: That the open burning of trees, limbs, stumps and
construction debris association with this development is prohibited.
- Plant Rescue: That the applicant considers conducting a “plant
rescue” after the issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit and prior to start of
- Prior to issuance of a
Certificate of Occupancy, provide certified as-built plans for building
footprints, parking lots, street improvements, storm drainage systems and
stormwater management structures, and all other impervious surfaces. The
as-built plans should be in DXF binary format using State plane coordinates and
NAVD 88.
- Certificates of Occupancy: That no Certificates of Occupancy be
issued until all required public improvements are complete; and that a note to
this effect shall be placed on the final plats.
the Town Manager approves a phasing plan, no Certificates of Occupancy shall be
issued for a phase until all required public improvements for that phase are
complete; and no Building Permits for any phase shall be issued until all
public improvements required in previous phases are completed to a point
adjacent to the new phase; and that a note to this effect shall be placed on
the final plats.
- New Streets - Traffic Signs: That the property owners shall be
responsible for placement and maintenance of temporary regulatory signs,
including street name signs, before issuance of any Certificates of Occupancy
until such time that the street system is accepted for maintenance by the Town.
- New Street Names and Numbers: That the name of the development
and its streets and house/building numbers be approved by the Town Manager
prior to issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit.
- This Special Use Permit constitutes a site
specific development plan establishing a vested rights as provided by N.C.G.S.
Sec. 160A-185.1 and Appendix A of the Chapel Hill Land Use Management
- Continued Validity: That continued validity and effectiveness of
this approval is expressly conditioned on the continued compliance with the
plans and conditions listed above.
- Non-severability: That if any of the above conditions is held to
be invalid, approval in its entirety shall be void.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council hereby approves the Phase I Special Use
Permit for the Woodmont development.
This the 8th
day of September, 2008.