BE IT RESOLVED that Resolution 2008-6-25/R-1, adopted on June 25, 2008 to establish a Town Sustainability Committee, is hereby revised to read as follows:

“WHEREAS, the Town of Chapel Hill established a Sustainable Development Task Force in the late 1990’s to draft a set of principles of sustainable development for consideration by the Council for inclusion as part of the 2000 Comprehensive Plan; and

WHEREAS, the Sustainable Development Task Force identified “fundamentals of a sustainable community”, as listed below, which were later incorporated into the 2000 Comprehensive Plan as “Major Themes”:

WHEREAS, the Sustainable Development Task Force developed indicators for each of the “Major Themes” for inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan; and

WHEREAS, the Council has endorsed the addition of sustainability as a Major Theme in the revision of the Comprehensive Plan, with accompanying sustainability goals, objectives, and indicators; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Chapel Hill has set a goal of reducing carbon emissions attributed to the municipal, commercial, residential, and institutional sectors of the Town by 60 percent by 2050; and

WHEREAS, the Town anticipates the development of other goals to address aspects of sustainable development in the future;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that a Sustainability Committee be created and classified as a standing advisory board to address sustainability within the Town of Chapel Hill. 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Sustainability Committee be composed of eleven citizens, one Council Member liaison, and one University of North Carolina liaison, and that three citizens be chosen to represent environmental protection, economic vitality, and social justice, respectively.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Sustainability Committee be charged with maintaining a general overview of the sustainability of the Town, to specifically include the following responsibilities:

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the new committee build on reports produced by the Sustainable Development Task Force from 1995 to 1998. 

BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk will solicit applications to be considered by the Council for appointment to the Sustainability Committee.”

This the 22nd day of September, 2008.