Subject:                       Development of 2011-2017 Chapel Hill Transportation Priority List


Meeting Date:             September 23, 2008


Recommendation:      The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board recommended that the description for Project #22 Erwin Road be revised to read: “from US15-501 to the Durham County line.”  New developments in the area will construct some sidewalks.


The Board recommended that a project be added on the priority list to make the Downtown area and Franklin Street more bicycle friendly.


The Board recommended the following intersection improvement projects be added on the priority list for bicycle and pedestrian improvements


Comment:  The intersections of Fordham Blvd with South Columbia Street and with 15-501 were identified as areas in need of improvements on the Chapel Hill Bicycle-Pedestrian Action Plan adopted several years ago.  To the Board’s knowledge, no progress has been made on these intersections

Vote: 8-0


Ayes:  Perri Morgan, Linda Gaines, Jed Dube, Teressa Jimenez, Chris Clemmons, Dylan Sandler, Douglas MacLean, Douglas Wilson


The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board voted that bicycle lanes be constructed on East Franklin Street from Hillsborough Street to Eastgate Shopping Center.

Vote: 8-0


Ayes:  Perri Morgan, Linda Gaines, Jed Dube, Teressa Jimenez, Chris Clemmons, Dylan Sandler, Douglas MacLean, Douglas Wilson


The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board voted on whether or not to include the construction of bicycle lanes on East Franklin Street from Hillsborough Street to the Carrboro Town limits.


Vote: 2-6


Ayes:  Perri Morgan, Douglas Wilson


Nays:  Linda Gaines, Jed Dube, Teressa Jimenez, Chris Clemmons, Dylan Sandler, Douglas MacLean


Comment: Some members of the Board thought bicycle lanes were not needed on East Franklin Street in the downtown area.


Prepared by:              Perri Morgan, Chair, Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board

Ryan Mickles, Transportation Planner