

to:                  Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager


from:            J.B. Culpepper, Planning Director

Gene Poveromo, Development Manager

David Bonk, Long Range and Transportation Manager

subject:      Land Use Management Ordinance Text Amendments – Vehicle and Bicycle Parking Regulations

date:            October 27, 2008


Enactment of the attached revised ordinance would change the Land Use Management Ordinance provisions regarding vehicular and bicycle parking regulations for various types of developments, and handicap parking requirements to correspond with Americans with Disabilities Act standards.  We recommend enactment of the proposed Land Use Management Ordinance text amendments.


In June 2007, the Town Council enacted the vehicle and bicycle parking space requirements identified in the Land Use Management Ordinance.  At that time, the Council requested the bicycle parking standards be further reviewed by the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board and Transportation Board. Both boards have provided recommendations that are discussed in this memorandum.  Since that time, the staff has recognized that particular minimum and maximum vehicular parking requirements are transposed and need to be switched and that handicap parking space provisions in the Land Use Management Ordinance must be updated.


Bicycle Parking Regulations:  Following the June 2007 Council meeting, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board and the Transportation Board discussed modifications to the enacted bicycle parking standards.  In developing recommendations, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board reviewed other policies from other municipalities.  A compilation of other bicycle parking requirements is included as Attachment 4.  The bicycle parking recommendations proposed by the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board and Transportation Board include standards based on square footage of building facilities and a “minimum” requirement for various development uses.

With the exception of the recommendations for multi-family developments, the recommendations made by the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board and Transportation Board are identical for all other development uses.  Currently, the Land Use Management Ordinance requires a minimum of 1 bicycle parking space per 6 residential dwelling units for multi-family developments.  This ratio was recommended by the Town consultant and initially supported by staff.  The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board proposed an alternative ratio of 1 bicycle parking space per unit (Attachment 5).  The Transportation Board recommended changing the regulation to 1 bicycle parking space per 4 units (Attachment 6).

Staff Comment:  Different recommendations were made for the bicycle parking requirement for multi-family developments.  Our recommendation is that Council amend the bicycle parking regulations as recommended by the two boards with the exception of the multi-family requirements.  We recommend that the Council amend bicycle parking regulations for multi-family development to 1 bicycle parking space per 4 units; as recommended by the Transportation Board; we believe there is a potential for unused bicycle parking spaces and that most cyclists will take their bicycles inside their dwelling unit rather than use the outdoor spaces.

If the text amendment for bicycle parking regulations is enacted as recommended by the staff and reflected in Attachment 1, it would increase the number of bicycle parking spaces that must be provided for new developments.

Vehicular Parking Regulations:  Proposed amendments will correct a typographical error, clarify language, and keep consistency.


Staff Comment:  If the text amendment for vehicle parking regulations is enacted as recommended by the staff and reflected in Attachment 1, it would correct typographical errors.


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements:  The existing Ordinance language references handicap accessible vehicular parking provisions that no longer meet ADA requirements.


Staff Comment:  We recommend that the handicap parking requirements in the Town Ordinance be amended to reference compliance with ADA standards rather than attempt to state the ADA provisions.


Article 4.4 of the Land Use Management Ordinance establishes the intent of Zoning Amendments (including both atlas and text amendments to the Ordinance) by stating that, “In order to establish and maintain sound, stable, and desirable development within the planning jurisdiction of the Town it is intended that this chapter shall not be amended except:

a)   to correct a manifest error in the chapter; or

b)      because of changed or changing conditions in a particular area or in the jurisdiction      generally; or

c)      to achieve the purposes of the Comprehensive Plan.

Article 4.4. further indicates:

It is further intended that, if amended, this chapter be amended only as reasonably necessary for the promotion of the public health, safety, or general welfare, and in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan.

Each of these requirements, with respect to the two proposed text amendment, is discussed below:

A)  An amendment to the Land Use Management Ordinance (text amendment) is necessary to correct a manifest error in the chapter.

Staff Comment:  We believe the information in the record to date can be summarized as follows:

·         Argument in Support:  We are unable to identify any arguments in support of a manifest error aside from the typographic error.

·         Argument in Opposition:  To date no argument in opposition has been submitted.


B)  An amendment to the Land Use Management Ordinance (text amendment) is necessary because of changed or changing conditions in a particular area or in the jurisdiction generally.

Staff Comment: We believe the information in the record thus far can be summarized as follows:

·         Argument in Support:  We are unable to identify any arguments in support of changed conditions.

·         Argument in Opposition:  To date no argument in opposition has been submitted.


C) An amendment to the Land Use Management Ordinance (text amendment) is justified to achieve the purposes of the Comprehensive Plan.


Staff Comment:  We believe the information in the record thus far can be summarized as follows:


We believe the justification of the text amendment is to achieve the purposes of the Comprehensive Plan particularly as it relates to working toward a balanced transportation system.


We have received written comments on the proposed Land Use Management Ordinance Text Amendments and have included the letter as Attachment 3.

Staff Comment:  We have included language in the proposed update of the ordinance that references the Chapel Hill Design Manual.


Planning Board Recommendation:  The Planning Board reviewed the proposed text amendments on August 19, 2008 and recommended that the Council enact the attached Ordinance.  Please refer to the attached Summary of Planning Board Action.

Staff Recommendation: We recommend that the Council enact the attached revised Ordinance to amend the Land Use Management Ordinance provisions for vehicular and the bicycle parking requirements as described in this memorandum.  The Ordinance has been revised to provide a reference to the Design Manual bicycle and vehicular parking standards.

Our recommendation regarding multi-family developments is 1 bicycle parking space per 4 residential units.  The Council could adjust this requirement to be 1 bicycle parking space per 3 residential units, if desired.


  1. Ordinance (p. 5).
  2. Summary of Planning Board Action (p. 12).
  3. Public Comments Received on Land Use Management Ordinance Text Amendments [293 KB pdf] (p. 13).
  4. Bicycle Parking Space Requirements for Other Municipalities [12 KB pdf] (p. 15).
  5. Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board Proposed Amendments to Bicycle Parking Regulations (p. 16).
  6. Transportation Board Proposed Amendments to Bicycle Parking Regulations (p. 19).