Tonight the Council will consider recommendations to the
Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Transportation Advisory Committee concerning the
transportation networks to be included in the final 2035 Long Range
Transportation Plan.
I want to make two points:
- The current recommendations result from an extended planning
process. They are based on a set of regional population and employment
projections approved by the Town Council in 2006. The plan is updated every
four years. The Town will be able to modify its population and employment
projections to reflect decisions resulting from current discussions about
acceptable growth and how growth is managed in the Town of Chapel Hill during
that update. We anticipate that review and revisions to the population and
employment projections associated with the 2040 Plan will occur in 2010.
- Given our current environment and the long range nature of these
recommendations, I believe the recommendations are appropriate and maintain the
maximum options for the Town for the future. It is important, however, for the
Town Council to recognize the effect of these incremental decisions on our
future and incumbent upon the staff to demonstrate those consequences when
making presentations about planning projections.