Alternative Rental Parking Sites:
- Joseph’s Hairstyling- 205 N. Columbia
St. (919) 942-4058
- PH Craig -
Parking behind Chrysler Bldg on West Franklin St. (919) 967-4155
- Joe Riddle- Parking
off Franklin Street (910) 624-1604
- Investor’s
Title Insurance- (919) 968-2200 Contact: Tom Klein
- Bank of America Plaza- (919) 967-2304 Contact: Manning Outen
- Celeste
Sloop, DDS- (919) 942-3566
- Chapel Hill Herald- 106 Mallette St. (919) 967-6581
- Tate Realty-
W. Rosemary and Mitchell Ln. (919) 942-1938
- Hillel
Foundation (Jewish Student Center)- (919) 942-4057
- Newman Center (Catholic Student Center)- (919) 942-8471
- Merritt’s
Store- (919) 942-4897
- UNC Department
of Public Safety- (919) 962-3951
- The Davis Group- 930 MLK Blvd. (919) 933-7775 x10 or x11 Contact: Wesley