Morgan Creek, Bolin Creek and Dry Creek

Greenway Trails

Residency and Prototype Project

Artists Selection Committee


Tom Dawson                                                  Mike Roig

Lappas + Havener, PA                                   100 Hillsborough St.
The Imperial Building                                      Carrboro, NC  27510
215 Morris Street, Suite 150                           (919) 929-3535
Durham, North Carolina 27701                      [email protected]
(919) 419-1199 tel
(919) 419-1669 fax                                         Erica Rothman (Public Arts Commission)
[email protected]                                   215 Markham Dr.

                                                                        Chapel Hill, NC  27516

Denise Dickens, Public Art Coordinator         (h) 942-6526

Town of Cary                                                  (w) 624-9996

316 N. Academy St.                                         [email protected]

Cary, NC 27512-8005                                   

(919) 469-4061                                               Wendy Smith, Storm Water Educator

(919) 469-4344 (fax)                                                    Engineering/Storm Water management

[email protected]                                   Town of Chapel Hill

                                                                        208 N. Columbia St.

Christine Berndt (Greenways Commission)   Chapel Hill, NC 27514

621 Rock Creek Rd                                        (919) 969-RAIN

Chapel Hill, NC 27516                                    [email protected]

942-4560 (H)                                                  

969-5054 (W)                                                  Bill Webster, Asst. Director

[email protected]                                    Parks and Recreation Dept.

                                                                        Town of Chapel Hill

                                                                        200 Plant Rd.

                                                                        Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Debbie Hepp (Public Arts Commission)         (919) 968-2784 x 214

20 Dogwood Acres Drive                               [email protected]

Chapel Hill, NC  27516                                  

(h) 942-3398                                                   Ed Harrison

(w) 942-9485                                                   Chapel Hill Town Council Liaison

[email protected]                                     [email protected]


Wendi Ramsden                                             Staff

Coulter, Jewell Thames, PA                          

111 W Main St.                                               Jeffrey York/Steve Wright
Durham, NC 27701                                        Public Arts Office
919-682-0368                                                 Town of Chapel Hill

[email protected]                                   405 MLK, Jr. Blvd.                                                                                                                  Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Glenn Parks (Greenways Commission)        (919) 968-2750/2749

211 Rogerson Drive                                        [email protected]

Chapel Hill, NC 27517

967-8148 (H)

[email protected]