
to:                  Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager

from:            Ray “Butch” Kisiah, Parks and Recreation Director

subject:      Elementary School # 11 – Gymnasium Petition Response

date:            December 8, 2008


The purpose of this report is to respond to issues raised by Town Council during the September 8, 2008 Town Council Meeting regarding elementary school #11’s proposed gymnasium.


On June 11, 2008, the Chapel Hill – Carrboro School system petitioned the Council to determine if the Town of Chapel Hill would like to partner with the school district and construct a full size gymnasium in the same manner that allowed the construction of a full sized gymnasium at Rashkis Elementary School.  During the September 8, 2008 Town Council meeting, the staff recommended that the Council decline the opportunity to participate with the school system to build a full-sized gymnasium while encouraging continued cooperation between the school system and the Parks and Recreation Department.


The recommendation to the Town Council was based on the nearby location of the Northside Gymnasium at the Hargraves Community Center and the estimated cost of a full-sized gymnasium.  During the Council meeting, questions were raised about the need for additional gymnasium space and the use of the gymnasium at Rashkis Elementary School. 

In regard to the need for additional gymnasium space, it is apparent that the Parks and Recreation Department needs additional space.  The Department’s athletic program is turning away participants because of the lack of gym space, especially in its youth basketball program.  The success of the joint venture at Rashkis Elementary School has allowed the Department to use the gymnasium 1600 hours per year for adult and youth programs.  The cost to the department is $13, 500 annually for part-time staff.  The school covers the cost of utilities and custodial services.  The Town paid $750,000 for the gymnasium construction in three payments beginning in 2003.

Cooperation on joint ventures with the Chapel Hill – Carrboro school system is a proven way to provide for recreation facilities that benefit both the students and the community at large.  In this instance, the location of elementary school #11 is only a few blocks from an existing community center with a full sized gymnasium.  While gymnasium space is needed in Chapel Hill, the Northside community is well served by the Hargraves Community Center.  The estimated cost to the Town of constructing the new gymnasium is over one million dollars.   We believe that, considering the overall needs of the Department and the condition of the Town’s existing recreation facilities, that a better use of funds would be correcting the extensive needs within the Town’s park system.


That the Council decline this opportunity to participate with the school system to build a full-sized gymnasium while encouraging continued cooperation between the school system and the Parks and Recreation Department.