TO: Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager
FROM: George Small, P.E., Engineering Director
Kumar Neppalli, E.I.T., Engineering Services Manager
SUBJECT: Update on Pedestrian Safety Improvement Projects and Response to the Transportation Board’s Petition for Pedestrian Safety Measures
DATE: December 8, 2008
This report provides an update on several proposed pedestrian safety improvement projects and a response to a petition requesting pedestrian safety improvements at several locations around the town.
A number of measures were implemented at and near the intersection of Manning Drive and Columbia Street. Pedestrian upgrades are expected to be completed in January of 2009 at the intersection of Fordham Boulevard and Manning Drive. Changes in the traffic signal phasing are proposed at the Fordham Boulevard and Estes Drive intersection.
No action is required by the Town Council. Pedestrian safety improvements are a high priority of the Town Council and Town staff will work with the University and with the NCDOT to implement these pedestrian safety improvements as quickly as possible.
At its June 9, 2008, meeting, the Town Council received and referred a petition from the Transportation Board requesting pedestrian safety improvements at several intersections. A copy of the petition is provided in Attachment 1. The Transportation Board requests and staff responses are provided below.
Manning Drive and Columbia Street: The Transportation Board members expressed concern about pedestrian access and circulation at and near this intersection due to the sidewalk/travel lane closures resulting from construction in the area.
Staff Response: The sidewalk and travel lanes were closed due to the construction of several University projects. We met and discussed the access and circulation with the State and with the University. Lack of a crosswalk and pedestrian signals on the south side of the intersection created difficulties for pedestrians. However, the State recently approved the installation of a crosswalk and pedestrian signals on this side of the intersection, and these improvements were completed in August. Also, the University revised its pedestrian management plan and installed a number of informational signs to guide pedestrians to and through this area. We think that these improvements have enhanced pedestrian access and circulation in this area. Please see Attachment 2 for the intersection diagram.
Fordham Boulevard and Manning Drive: The Board inquired about the status of planned pedestrian upgrades at this intersection.
Staff Response: Duke Energy completed installation of street lighting improvements at this intersection during the past summer. The following pedestrian and bicycle upgrades are expected to be completed by the University within the next two months:
Proposed improvements are provided in Attachment 2.
Fordham Boulevard and Estes Drive: The Board requested review of the traffic signal operations at this intersection to reduce congestion and to improve pedestrian safety.
Staff Response: This intersection will be upgraded as part of the Town’s Traffic Signal System Improvement Project expected to start in the summer of 2009. Traffic signal phasing will be revised to include a split phase on Estes Drive intended to reduce the conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians.
Pedestrian Safety Improvements in Other Areas of Town:
Traffic Signal System Upgrade: The following improvements are included in the Town’s traffic signal upgrade project:
The design of the signal system upgrade project is completed and the construction is expected to start in summer 2009. The Town is required to provide the funding for bicycle activated loops which are expected to cost about $175,000. We are evaluating funding options including regional Surface Transportation Program-Direct Apportionment (STP-DA) funds. We expect to provide a report to the Town Council early next year on this matter.
NC86/Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard: The Town Council in 2007 approved a plan that proposes several safety measures for pedestrians and bicycles along NC 86/ Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard and 15 other selected locations around the community. The Town received $250,000 in FY 2008, $150,000 in FY 09 and expects $150,000 in FY10 from the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro MPO for implementing pedestrian and bicycle safety measures.
The Town and NCDOT selected the bus stop location on Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard between Estes Drive and Piney Mountain Road near Shadowood Apartments to implement the first pedestrian refuge island as part of the NC 86/Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd study. Please see Attachment 2 for the proposed refuge island that will include the following elements:
The Town also plans to install similar pedestrian refuge islands early next year at two locations on East Franklin Street near Elizabeth Street and Couch Street.
Transportation Improvement Program: The following State Transportation Improvement Program projects will include pedestrian facilities and designated bicycle lanes:
Both of the above projects include sidewalks and designated bicycle lanes on both sides of the subject street portions. The Town’s share of funding for the sidewalks for these two projects comes from the sidewalk bond funds.
Mason Farm Road and Fordham Boulevard Safety Improvements: The Town also received funding of $125,000 from the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro MPO to build sidewalk on the south side of Fordham Boulevard from Manning Drive to Old Mason Farm Road.
South Columbia Street and Cameron Avenue: The Town and the State recently implemented an “exclusive pedestrian phase” at the intersection of South Columbia Street and Cameron Avenue. If successful, this phase may be implemented at other locations with high pedestrian volumes.
The above projects are shown in the maps provided in Attachment 2.
No action is required by the Town Council. Pedestrian safety improvements are a high priority for the Town Council and Town staff will work with the University and with the NCDOT to implement these pedestrian safety improvements as quickly as possible.