TO: Chapel Hill Town Council
FROM: David Owens
RE: Clarification of Carolina North Review Process and Timeline
DATE: January 10, 2009
The Town’s Carolina North review process is now entering a new and significant phase. The overall process can be placed into three phases:
Phase One -- September-December 2008
Determine the process to be used for discussion, collaboration, and decision-making and determine the scale of project to be reviewed
Phase Two – January-March 2009
Determine specific potential standards and mitigation measures for the project
Phase Three – April-June 2009
Review, refinement, and decision on a specific proposal
Phase One of the process has for the most part been concluded. The Town and University agreed to a process that would consider rezoning the entire Horace Williams tract to a new zoning district that would require a concept plan for the entire tract and a detailed plan for the first substantial phase of development. A development agreement would be required for that phase of development, which will include mutually agreed conditions and terms of approval.
In Phase Two of the process, the Council, Trustees, staff, and the public will be engaged in developing specific substantive provisions to include within the development agreement. These provisions will need to address all of the key issues that have been identified. The provisions can include specific requirements, limits, performance standards, guidelines, mitigation measures, timing and thresholds for particular actions, and the like. The staffs of the Town and University have begun the process of developing detailed proposals on these points.
There are several key points for the Council to consider at this stage of the process:
Roger Stancil’s memo outlines the key policy questions for the critical Group One issues.