Town Seal

Town of Chapel Hill
North Carolina

Executive Summary

Meeting Date: 01-12-2009
Time:                    7:00 PM



Title of Agenda Item:  Draft Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro 2011-2017 Regional Transportation Priority List

Background:  On September 22, 2008, the Council held a public forum to receive public comment on the development of the Town’s 2011-2017 Transportation Priority List.   The Council adopted a priority list on October 20, 2008 and forwarded the list to the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO) for their use in developing the Draft 2011-2017 Regional Priority List.

The final Regional Priority List will be used to develop the 2011-2017 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP).   The Priority List will also be submitted to the North Carolina Department of Transportation for their use in preparing a draft 2011-2017 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).

Fiscal Note:   To be determined.   Some projects will require local match; some will have operating expenses.

Staff Recommendation(s):  That the Council adopt the attached resolution, which would provide the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Transportation Advisory Committee with comments and recommendations on the Draft 2011-2017 Regional Priority List.   We offer the following comments and recommendations for the Council’s consideration:

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