TO: Chapel Hill Town Council
UNC-CH Trustees/Chancellor
FROM: David Owens
RE: Background on Issues for Discussion
DATE: January 14, 2009
Attached is background information for your discussion of the topics of housing, preservation of undeveloped lands, and stormwater utility issues as they relate to Carolina North, including the University’s proposal and issues and questions that were identified by the Town Council on January 10, 2009.
We anticipate that each of these issues will need to be addressed in plan refinements and provisions in a development agreement for Carolina North. It would be useful at this point for you to discuss Town and University policy perspectives and any policy guidance you want to provide the Joint Staff Work Group (JSWG) on these issues. This can take the form of policy directives on which there is consensus, identification of alternatives you would like to see developed, or additional information or analysis you would like to receive on any of these issues.