Town of Chapel Hill Executive Summary |
Meeting Date: 01-21-2009 AGENDA # |
Title of Agenda Item: Public Hearing: Land Use Management Ordinance Text Amendment -Non-Commercial Keeping of Chickens in Residential Zoning Districts
Background: The attached staff memorandum includes background information on a proposed Land Use Management Ordinance text amendment regarding the non-commercial keeping of chickens in residential zoning districts. The text amendment would allow the keeping of up to 10 chickens in all residential zoning districts in accordance with the regulations in the Town’s Code of Ordinances. [See also Manager’s Memorandum]
We also present an associated amendment to the Code of Ordinances to reduce the number of chickens that can be kept from twenty (20) to ten (10) and to eliminate the keeping of chickens in front yards.
Fiscal Note: We believe that this change in regulations will have a fiscal impact. Because the Land Use Management Ordinance requires a permit to make site changes such as to add structures, we anticipate additional demands on Town staff. Furthermore, we anticipate enforcement issues based on our discussion with other jurisdictions.
Staff Recommendation(s): That the Council open the Public Hearing and receive comment regarding the attached Ordinance to amend the Land Use Management Ordinance to allow the use of land for the non-commercial keeping of female chickens in residential zoning districts as well as the attached Ordinance to amend the Code of Ordinances to reduce the number of chickens that can be kept from twenty (20) to ten (10) and to eliminate the keeping of chickens in front yards.
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