to:                  Mayor and Town Council

from:            Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager

subject:      Public Hearing: Land Use Management Ordinance Text Amendment – Consistency in Consideration of Gravel as Impervious Surface

date:            January 26, 2009


Tonight, the Council holds a public hearing to consider a proposed Land Use Management Ordinance text amendment regarding consistency as to consideration of gravel as impervious surface.  Tonight’s Public Hearing has been scheduled to receive public comment about the proposed text amendment. The purpose of this cover memorandum is to forward my preliminary recommendation to the Council.


The proposed Land Use Management Ordinance Text Amendment would clarify that gravel is considered impervious surface in all developments both inside and outside the Town’s Watershed Protection District.  The proposed changes to the Land Use Management Ordinance would benefit the community by reducing confusion in the calculation of impervious surface in land development applications.  However, input from the public and the Council at the hearing will inform my ultimate recommendation.

I recommend that the Council open the public hearing and receive comment about the proposed Land Use Management Ordinance text amendment regarding the consideration of gravel as impervious surface.  We will return to the Council with a recommendation for action after the Council has received public comment and evidence this evening and reconvened the hearing.

[See also Staff Memorandum]