
to:                  Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager

from:            Sabrina M. Oliver, Communications & Public Affairs Director

Amy Harvey, Communications Technician/Web Manager

subject:      Nominations to Various Boards and Committees

date:            January 26, 2008


The purpose of this report is to forward to the Town Council the applications received for service on an advisory board, commission, or other committee.  These applicants have been determined to be eligible to serve.

Tonight, the Council may make nominations to fill vacancies on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board, Cemeteries Advisory Board, Chapel Hill Public Arts Commission, Greenways Commission, Historic District Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, and Sustainability Committee. Adoption of the attached resolution would nominate the current applicants.

Appointments to the Historic District Commission are scheduled for tonight.

Appointments to the Cemeteries Advisory Board are scheduled for February 9, 2009. All other boards are currently unscheduled.

Copies of the applications are attached.


That the Council adopt the attached resolution to nominate applicants to various boards and committees.