TO:                  Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager


FROM:            Tina Vaughn, Housing Director

                        Glenn Davis, Operations and Special Projects Coordinator


SUBJECT:      Bids for Section 504 and Accessibility Compliance Work in the Public Housing Neighborhoods


DATE:            January 26, 2009




The purpose of this report is to request that the Council accept a bid and award a contract in the amount of $589,000 to Carl Garris & Son, Inc. for public housing renovations to comply with Section 504 and Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS).


Funding for this project is available through the Housing Capital Fund and Community Development Block Grant Program.  The total budget for this project is $619,816.




Based on the results of a review by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), we are required to renovate 17 of the 336 public housing apartments to comply with Section 504 and the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS).  We are also required to renovate the administration building, community spaces, and common areas throughout all 13 public housing neighborhoods.


In August 2008, Housing staff completed accessibility renovation work in 7 of the 17 apartments. We estimate that the available funding would be sufficient to complete the renovation work in the remaining 9 apartments, the administration building, community spaces and common areas throughout the 13 public housing neighborhoods. 


Proposed renovation work would include, but would not be limited to, modifications  to  bathrooms to include roll-in showers or bathtubs with grab bars and in-tub seats, lowered medicine cabinets, handicap accessible commodes, shower spray units and bathroom fixtures; modifications to kitchens to include handicap accessible appliances, sinks, range hoods and cabinets; installing visual alarm systems; widening doorways and corridors to provide accessible  routes and  clearance; and lowering thermostat controls, electrical switches, clothes rods in closets and shelves and mirrors.

Site improvements will include installing ramps; providing accessible routes to units’ entrances, mailboxes, clothes lines, and dumpsters; and installing accessible parking spaces, signs and curb cuts.




Bid Process


In November 2008, the Town solicited bids for accessibility renovations in the public housing neighborhoods.  The renovation work was bid as a base bid, which includes accessibility renovations work in 9 apartments, the administration building, community spaces and common areas throughout the 13 public housing neighborhoods. 


In accordance with N. C. General Statute 143-128, a Notice to Bidders was published on The Town of Chapel Hill Website, Chapel Hill, North Carolina on November 25, 2008 and in the Greater Diversity News, Wilmington, North Carolina on November 27, 2008.  The Greater Diversity News is a weekly newspaper that focuses on expanding equal opportunities for minorities and women in economics, employment and business.  Notice to Bidders was mailed to ninety–six contractors (including General, Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical contractors).  Specifications and contract documents were on file in the office of the Architect, LDA Architecture, PLLC, of Raleigh, North Carolina, and in the plan rooms of Associated General Contractors, McGraw-Hill Construction and Reed Construction Data in Raleigh, North Carolina.


On Thursday, December 18, 2008, we received two sealed bids. In accordance with G. S. 143-128 three bids are required for the first bidding.  Therefore, we were required to issue a second notice of advertisement.  A second Notice to Bidders was published on The Town of Chapel Hill Website, Chapel Hill, North Carolina on December 19, 2008 and in the Greater Diversity News, Wilmington, North Carolina on December 25, 2008


On January 6, 2009, the following bids were received and opened:


VENDOR                                                                   BASE BID  


Carl Garris & Son, Inc.                                               $589,000

Lake View, SC


Raleigh-Durham Construction Company                      $738,000

Raleigh, NC


Evaluation of Bids


The bids were reviewed by Town staff and LDA Architecture.  Neither of the contractors are Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) or Woman Owned Businesses. All of the bidders submitted single prime bids.  The bid of Carl Garris & Sons, Inc. in the amount of $589,000 was the lowest responsive bid for the total base bid




The accessibility renovation project budget is funded by the Housing Capital Fund and Community Development Block Grant funds. Funds available for the contract are sufficient to cover the renovation work in the base bid.  Sources of funding for the work are:


            Funding Source                                                           Amount


            Housing Capital Funds                                               $   434,816

            Community Development Funds                                $   185,000

            TOTAL                                                                       $ 619,816


The base bid amount is $589,000, leaving an estimated contingency of $30,816.  Based on previous renovation work in the public housing neighborhoods, the contingency amount should be sufficient to cover any change orders and unforeseen problems.  Any remaining funds after the completion of this contract could be used to assist with the renovation work at the South Roberson Street neighborhood and the Five-Year Refurbishing Program.   




Carl Garris & Son, Inc. completed the comprehensive renovations at the Lindsay Street and Airport Gardens public housing neighborhoods, and has nearly completed renovation work at the North Columbia Street neighborhood.  We have been pleased with their work in these neighborhoods.  The contractor has demonstrated a high level of performance in their financial status, stability, reputation, quality and timeliness of their work, responsiveness to clients and sensitivity to neighbors of the construction work.  We believe that Carl Garris & Son, Inc. is a responsible contractor as well as the lowest responsive bidder.


If the Council awards this bid to Carl Garris & Son, Inc., we expect renovation work to begin in February 2009 and to be completed by June 2009.




That the Council adopt the attached resolution accepting the base bid, and award a contract to Carl Garris & Son, Inc. in the amount of $589,000 for the Section 504 and Uniform Federal Accessibility (UFAS) work in the public housing neighborhoods.