SUBJECT: Public Hearing: University of North Carolina Hospitals Imaging and Outpatient Center, 1350 Raleigh Road - Application for Special Use Permit (File No. 9798-44-1499)
DATE: December 2, 2008
Attached for your consideration is an application for a Special Use Permit, submitted by representatives from UNC Hospitals. The application proposes approval of a two-story building for clinic use on 2.5 acres of land at the intersection of Raleigh Road and Finley Golf Course Road. The application proposes 31,078 square feet of floor area and a 104-space parking lot. The site is located in the Community Commercial (CC) zoning district, identified as Orange County Parcel Identifier Number 9798-44-1499.
A restaurant was located on this property for many years. Our files do not indicate what year the building was constructed.
April 4, 2000 Site Plan Approval by the Planning Board for Struzzo’s Office and Retail development, which was not constructed.
September 28, 2005 Community Design Commission Concept Plan Review of UNC Hospitals Imaging and Outpatient Center.
October 19, 2005 Council Concept Plan Review of UNC Hospitals Imaging and Outpatient Center.
June 4, 2008 The applicant submitted a Special Use Permit application for UNC Hospitals Imaging and Outpatient Center to construct a clinic at 1350 Raleigh Road.
Location: The site contains 2.5 acres of land at 1350 Raleigh Road at the intersection with Finley Golf Course Road. The site is located in the Community Commercial (CC) zoning district. The East 54 mixed-use development, currently under construction, is located immediately to the west of the site. Prestwick Place offices, zoned Community Commercial, and a vacant lot, zoned Residential-1 (R-1), is located south and east of the proposed development respectively.
Existing Structures: An 8,000 square-foot building is located on the site that formerly had a mix of office/retail uses, including the Aurora restaurant. The building is proposed for demolition with the development of this property.
Vehicular Access: Vehicular access to the site is from Finley Golf Course Road and Raleigh Road into a parking area on the northern portion of the site.
Pedestrian Circulation: There are currently no sidewalks or pedestrian facilities on the frontage of the site. The Raleigh Road bikeway/greenway begins east of the Finley Golf Course Road intersection on both sides of Raleigh Road. The East 54 development is proposing to extend the greenway, across the frontage of the subject site, westward to Hamilton Road.
Bus Stops, Routes: The proposed development is served by Chapel Hill Transit (weekday routes include FCX, G, HU, S and V and the FG on Saturday). The weekday stops for these routes are about 200 feet west of the development (eastbound) and across Raleigh Road (westbound). Stops for the weekend service are near the Glen Lennox development, about 1,500 feet west.
Topography, Drainage, Vegetative Cover: There are six specimen trees on the site, both pine and hardwood, along the western and northwestern boundaries of the site.
The topography of the site slopes gently downward from Raleigh Road towards Finley Golf Course Road at an average grade of 1.5%.
The site is not located within the Resource Conservation District but is located within the Watershed Protection District.
The Town staff has reviewed this application for compliance with the standards of the Land Use Management Ordinance and Design Manual, based on the standards for the Community Commercial (CC) zoning district, and offers the following evaluation:
Development Description: The applicant proposes to construct a two-story building with 31,078 square-feet of floor area for clinic use with a 104-space parking lot.
Vehicular access to the development is proposed from Finley Golf Course Road into a parking area on the southern portion of the site. An existing curb-cut on the Raleigh Road frontage is proposed to be closed. There is a proposed vehicular and pedestrian cross-access to the adjacent East 54 property to the west.
A concrete walkway is proposed along the western side of Finley Golf Course Road, along the frontage of the site. The East 54 development is proposing to extend the greenway, across the frontage of the subject site, westward to Hamilton Road.
A refuse and recycling collection area for roll-out trash and recycling bins is proposed within the parking lot along the center of the western boundary of the site.
The applicant proposes bio-retention basins within the parking area islands.
The applicant has requested an extension of the standard construction start and completion deadlines from 1 year and 3 years after the approval date, respectively, to 2 years and 4 years respectively. The applicant has requested the time extension to allow additional time for their funding process. We recommend extending the construction start and completion deadlines. We have included a stipulation to this effect in Resolution A.
Concept Plan/Special Use Permit Application Comparison
Proposals for this project have been reviewed by the Community Design Commission and the Town Council. The table below compares some of the differences between the most recent Concept Plan proposal with the current Special Use Permit application.
Concept Plan/Special Use Permit Application Comparison |
October 19, 2005 Council Concept Plan Proposal |
Special Use Permit |
Floor Area |
30,000 SF |
31,078 SF |
No. of Buildings |
1 |
1 |
No. of Vehicular Parking Spaces |
117 |
104 |
No. of Bicycle Parking Spaces |
Not Specified |
12 |
Ordinance Requirements
Zoning: The Community Commercial zoning district allows office-type business office, general business general (retail), hospital and clinic uses. Clinic use is proposed with this application.
Intensity Standards (floor area): The maximum floor area allowed in the Community Commercial zoning district is 46,988 square feet. The applicant is proposing 31,078 square feet of clinic floor area, which complies with the maximum permitted floor area.
Dimensional Standards (setbacks): The minimum setbacks required in the Community Commercial zoning district are a 22-foot street setback, an 8-foot interior setback and 9-foot solar setback. The application complies with these minimum setback requirements.
Dimensional Standards (height): The maximum primary and secondary height (at the setback line) limits allowed in the Community Commercial zoning district, are 60 and 34 feet respectively. The application complies with the maximum height requirements.
Please refer to checklist of project fact sheet requirements for additional information about Ordinance requirements at the end of this Staff Report.
Modifications to the Regulations: The applicant is requesting that the Council approve a modification to Land Use Management Ordinance regulations, Subsection 5.9.7, for Vehicular Parking Quantity Standards. Additional discussion regarding the proposed modification of regulations is provided below.
Vehicular Parking Quantity Standards
Subsection 5.9.7 of the Land Use Management Ordinance, Parking Quantity Standards, for the proposed clinic use has a minimum parking space requirement of 138 and a maximum of 155. The applicant is requesting a modification to regulations to provide 34 fewer parking spaces than the minimum required of 138 parking spaces. The applicant believes that public purposes are satisfied regarding the request for modification to regulations to fall short of the minimum number of parking spaces by 34 spaces because:
“The applicant believes that the requested modification to standards to provide less than the required amount of parking is justified because the transportation needs of this facility will be adequately served by the proposed 104 vehicular parking provided, the proximity to bus stops, and the adjacency of the greenway path.
The applicant also believes that shifting the building on the site to allow for additional parking would necessitate the removal of significant specimen trees.
For the above reasons, the applicant believes that the “public purposes related to parking standards are satisfied to an equivalent or greater degree” by the UNC Hospitals Imaging Center Plan as submitted.” [Applicant Statement]
We believe that public purposes are satisfied to an equivalent or greater degree for the requested modification to regulations to fall short of the minimum number of parking spaces because of the fact that the proposed development is adjacent to two bus stops and a greenway trail, and will have bicycle racks. We think the opportunity for employees and visitors to arrive at the site via alternative means of transportation is provided. Please refer to the vehicular parking section for additional information.
Access and Circulation
Traffic Impact: The Town Consultant prepared the Traffic Impact Analysis for this development, which examines the no-build and build-out scenarios (Attachment 8). The report analyzes transportation impacts on three signalized intersections on Raleigh Road, Finley Golf Course Road/site driveway, and at the Prestwick Road and Finley Golf Course Road intersection.
The analysis predicts a total of 1,084 daily weekday trips to be developed by the proposed site. Vehicular access is to be accommodated via one primary site driveway connecting to Finley Golf Course Road. No roadway improvements are recommended because the following roadway improvements are under construction and are expected to be completed by the East 54 development prior to the completion of the proposed UNC Imaging Center:
Raleigh Road
Finley Golf Course Road
Although these improvements are under construction or anticipated to be constructed by the East 54 developer, we have included stipulations to this effect in Resolution A.
We recommend that the applicant provide 30-inch curb and gutter, a 3-foot wide utility strip, and a 5-foot wide sidewalk, within the existing right-of-way, on the west side of Finley Golf Course Road between Raleigh Road and Prestwick Road. We furthermore recommend that the applicant widen the cross-section of Finley Golf Course Road an additional 4 feet to accommodate bicycles, for approximately 350 feet, along the frontage of the site. We have included a stipulation to this effect in Resolution A.
Vehicular Access: Vehicular access to the development is proposed from Finley Golf Course Road into a parking area on the southern portion of the site. An existing curb-cut on the Raleigh Road frontage is proposed to be closed. There is a proposed vehicular and pedestrian cross-access to the adjacent East 54 property to the west.
Internal Cross Access: The applicant is proposing a drive aisle across the site in an east-west alignment connecting Finley Golf Course Road and the East 54 development. We recommend that the applicant provide a vehicular connection to the stub-out on the East 54 property to the west. We have included a stipulation to this effect in Resolution A.
We continue to recommend that the applicant provide a vehicular connection in the southwest corner of the site to the stubout on the adjacent Prestwick Place property to the south and thereby to Prestwick Road. The stubout was required when Prestwick Place was built precisely for this reason, to connect to future development and provide a more safe and efficient transportation network. The applicant is opposed to the vehicular connection to Prestwick Place. The applicant is opposed to the recommended vehicular connection to Prestwick Place because they believe that the additional access drive would increase through vehicular traffic in the proposed parking area and place an undue safety burden on pedestrians and patients visiting the Outpatient Center. The Applicant is also concerned about potentially losing four parking spaces, thereby reducing the number or proposed parking spaces to 100. Please see the Modifications to Regulations section above for more detail about the applicant’s request to modify the minimum vehicular parking requirement. We believe that the benefits of the vehicular connection are paramount. We do not think the recommended vehicular connection would have a noteworthy effect on pedestrian safety. We also don’t think that the loss of 4 parking spaces would have a significant impact on parking. We have included a stipulation in Resolution A requiring the vehicular connection to Prestwick Place.
We recommend that the applicant provide cross access for the two vehicular connections to adjacent properties above prior to issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit. We have included a stipulation to this effect in Resolution A.
Pedestrian Access: Pedestrian access to the proposed building is proposed on the Finley Golf Course Road frontage and at the rear of the building, facing the parking lot. The applicant also proposes a 5-foot wide sidewalk along the Finley Golf Course Road frontage. We recommend these proposed improvements be built to Town standard and have included a stipulation to this effect in Resolution A.
The applicant is proposing a 10-foot wide greenway/bicycle trail segment along the Raleigh Road frontage, connecting the existing greenway/pedestrian trail, east of the Finley Golf Course Road intersection and the proposed trail west of the site, to be built by the East 54 development. The segment was previously to be constructed by the East 54 developer but UNC Hospitals requested that the trail not be built because it would be damaged during construction of the proposed clinic. UNC Hospitals has therefore offered to build the 10-foot wide greenway/bicycle trail segment. We recommend that the trail be built to American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Town standards, with grades no greater than 5% and designed to support the weight of a vehicle. The location and design of the greenway is subject to Town Manager approval, prior to issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit. We recommend that prior to occupancy the applicant provide a public access plat indicating the location and extent of the proposed greenway trail, subject to Town Manager approval. We have included a stipulation to this effect in Resolution A.
If the property is sold to a private entity, a cross access easement shall be recorded within 60 days of transfer of property ownership.
Pedestrian Crosswalks: We recommend that the applicant install imprinted brick patterned crosswalks at the Finley Golf Course Road/Burning Tree Drive/Raleigh Road intersections if not installed by others. We have included a stipulation to this effect in Resolution A.
Vehicular Parking: Based on floor area of 31,078 square feet, the minimum number of required vehicular parking spaces for clinic use is a minimum of 138 spaces and a maximum of 155 spaces. The applicant is proposing 104 parking spaces which does not meet the minimum vehicular parking requirements of the Section 5.9.7 of the Land Use Management Ordinance. The final number of parking spaces would be reduced by 4 spaces to 100 to comply with the recommended vehicular connection to Prestwick Place to the south. See Internal Cross Access section above for additional information. The applicant has stated that the proximity of two bus stops to the site as well as a greenway trail and bicycle racks would serve to mitigate the short fall of vehicular parking spaces. The applicant is requesting a Modification to vehicular parking quantity standards. We recommend that the requested modification to parking regulations be approved. Please refer to the Modification to Regulations section for additional information.
The applicant is proposing seven compact spaces parking spaces. The applicant is complying with the Design Manual’s 20 percent limit on compact parking spaces. We have included a stipulation in Resolution A that the applicant comply with the compact parking space requirements.
Handicapped Parking and Access: The applicant must comply with Americans with Disabilities Act standards, North Carolina Accessibility Code, and Town standard as regards handicapped parking and access. The applicant is proposing 11 handicapped parking spaces, including 2 van accessible parking spaces. We have included a stipulation in Resolution A to this effect.
Bicycle Parking: Subsection 5.9.7 of the Land Use Management Ordinance requires that the proposed development provide a total of 12 bicycle parking spaces. The applicant is proposing 12 bicycle parking spaces. The Council is currently considering amending parking standards in the Land Use Management Ordinance. We have included a stipulation in Resolution A, requiring the applicant comply with bicycle parking standards in place at the time of approval, the spring 2002 Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals Guidelines, and with the required number of Class I and Class II parking spaces according to the Town Design Manual.
Transit: There are two active bus stops in immediate proximity to the site. The first bus stop is across the street from the site, on westbound Raleigh Road, on the far side of the intersection with Burning Tree Drive. This bus stop includes a bench and shelter. The East 54 developer is providing a payment-in-lieu to upgrade the shelter. We recommend that the UNC Hospitals Imaging and Outpatient Center applicant provide a $6,000 payment-in-lieu of providing NextBus electronic signage for this bus stop. We have included a stipulation to this effect in Resolution A.
The second bus stop is about 250 feet west of the site on the eastbound side Raleigh Road. We recommend that this bus stop be moved to the far side of the Finley Golf Course Road intersection. The reasons that a far side bus stop is preferred are as follows:
1. Minimizes conflict between buses and right-turning vehicles traveling in the same direction;
2. Minimizes sight distance problems on approaches to the intersection;
3. Encourages pedestrians to cross behind the bus;
4. Encourages pedestrians to utilize cross-walks;
5. Minimizes area needed for curbside bus zone;
6. Improves operational efficiencies;
7. Allows Chapel Hill Transit to take advantage of future signalization improvements (e.g. preemption or extension) without moving stops.
We recommend that prior to the issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit, the applicant shall provide a $10,000 payment-in-lieu of relocating the bus stop with amenities on Raleigh Road, to the far side of the Finley Golf Course Road Intersection. Bus stop amenities include a bus stop pad, shelter, bench and trash can, built to Town standard. Should the preferred location on the far side of the Finley Golf Course Road Intersection not be feasible, the payment-in-lieu of transit facilities shall be used for an alternate location that services the UNC Imaging Center, as determined by the Town Manager. We have included a stipulation to this effect in Resolution A.
The applicant is in agreement with this recommendation.
Transportation Management Plan: We recommend, and have included our standard stipulation in Resolution A, that a Transportation Management Plan be developed according to the Town’s Transportation Management Plan Guidelines and approved by the Town Manager prior to issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit, and that the plan be updated and approved on an annual basis.
Landscape and Architecture
Buffers: Following are the Land Use Management Ordinance standards for landscape bufferyards on this site, and the bufferyards proposed by the applicant:
Location |
Bufferyard Required |
Proposed Bufferyard |
Northern Property Line (Raleigh Road Frontage) |
30 ft Type D External Buffer |
12 ft Type D Alternate External Buffer |
Eastern Property Line |
20 ft. Type C External Buffer |
20 ft. Type C External Buffer |
Southern Property Line (Prestwick Road) |
10 ft. Type B Internal Buffer |
10 ft. Type B Internal Buffer |
Western Property Line |
10 ft. Type B Internal Buffer |
10 ft. Type B Internal Buffer |
The applicant proposes a 22-foot wide Type D alternative external landscape bufferyard along the northern Raleigh Road frontage of the site. The proposed alternative buffer area includes a 10-foot wide greenway/bicycle trail, making the alternative buffer 12 feet wide, in effect. The applicant’s justification for the proposed alternative buffer is because during Concept Plan Review, the applicant received feedback requesting that the proposed building be moved closer to the street to create a streetscape. We recommend that the Council approve an alternative buffer for reduced planting requirements, with the condition that the Community Design Commission approve the final details of the alternative buffer, because of the impact of the greenway/bicycle trail. We have included a stipulation to this effect in Resolution A.
Landscape Protection Plan: We have included our standard stipulation in Resolution A requiring Town Manager approval of a Landscape Plan, including landscape maintenance schedule, prior to issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit.
Landscape Screening and Shading Plan: In addition to buffer requirements, we note that the applicant’s proposal must meet the Land Use Management Ordinance landscaping standards for 1) Section 5.9.6(a), requiring a 5-foot wide planting strip between buildings and parking areas, and 2) Section 5.9.6(d) requiring adequate parking lot shading. We have included stipulations requiring compliance with these requirements in Resolution A.
Rare Trees and Specimen: There are no rare trees on the site. There are six specimen trees on the site, both pine and hardwood, along the western and northwestern boundaries of the site. The applicant is proposing to retain these trees.
Building Elevation, Lighting, and Alternative Buffer Plans: We recommend that detailed building elevations, lighting plans, and alternative landscape buffer plan be approved by the Community Design Commission, prior to the issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit. We have included a stipulation for Community Design Commission approval for: 1) building elevations, including the location and screening of all HVAC/Air Handling Units, 2) a lighting plan to ensure that the proposed lighting plan will minimize A) upward light pollution and B) offsite spillage of light; and 3) an alternative landscape buffer plan. We have included a stipulation to this effect in Resolution A.
Watershed Protection District: The proposed development is located in the Watershed Protection District. The applicant is proposing 66.5% impervious surface area (72,897 s.f.) and is therefore subject to the high-density option for controlling stormwater runoff and must meet applicable performance standards in Section 3.6.4(g) of the Land Use Management Ordinance. The high-density option allows up to 70% impervious surface in the Watershed Protection District for development with a non-residential component. We have included a stipulation to this effect in Resolution A.
Resource Conservation District: No portion of the proposed development lies within the Resource Conservation District.
Stormwater Management: The applicant is proposing five bio-retention basins in the parking area to manage stormwater runoff. We have included our standard stipulations in Resolution A, requiring Town Manager approval of a Stormwater Management Plan, based on a 25-year storm, prior to issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit for this development.
Energy Management: On April 23, 2007, the Council adopted a resolution specifying the Council’s expectations for energy efficiency and an energy management plan for applicants seeking approval of rezoning applications. The applicant is not seeking a rezoning of this site however has provided an Energy Management Plan.
We recommend that the applicant revise their Energy Management Plan with their final plan application to be approved by the Town Manager prior to issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit. We recommend that the plan: a) consider utilizing sustainable energy, currently defined as solar, wind, biofuels, and hydroelectric power; b) consider purchase of carbon offset credits and green power production through coordination with the NC GreenPower program; c) provide for 20 percent more efficiency that ensures indoor air quality and adequate access to natural lighting, and allows for the proposed utilization of sustainable energy in the project; and d) that the property owner report to the Town of Chapel Hill the actual energy efficiency achieved with their plan, as implemented, during the period ending one year after occupancy. We have included a stipulation to this effect in Resolution A.
In addition, regarding energy efficiency, we recommend that the applicant’s Final Plan application incorporate a “20 percent more energy efficient” feature relative to the 2004 energy efficiency standard of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), as amended and in effect at the time of Special Use Permit issuance. Comparable standards generally recognized as applicable to building energy consumption, as amended and in effect at the time of building permit issuance, may be used by the applicant when incorporating the “20 percent more energy efficient” feature into the final plans. We have included a stipulation to this effect in Resolution A.
Erosion Control: We recommend that an erosion and sedimentation control plan for the site be approved by the State Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (of successor agency) , and a copy of the approval be provided to the Town Manager, prior to the issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit. We have included a stipulation to this effect in Resolution A.
Utilities and Services:
Refuse Management: The application identifies a refuse/recycling collection area in the eastern portion of the proposed parking lot. Refuse and recycling collection services are proposed to be provided by the Town of Chapel Hill and Orange Community Recycling.
We recommend that all drive aisles accessing the proposed refuse/recycling area be constructed of heavy-duty pavement, and have included this stipulation in Resolution A.
Solid Waste Management Plan: We have included our standard stipulation in Resolution A requiring Town Manager approval of a Solid Waste Management Plan prior to issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit.
Utility Plans: We recommend that the applicant provide final utility/lighting plans to be approved by Orange Water and Sewer Authority, Duke Energy Company, Time-Warner Cable, Public Service Company, AT&T or GTE, and the Town Manager before issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit. The property owner will be responsible for assuring that these utilities, including cable television, are extended to serve the development. We have included a stipulation to this effect in Resolution A.
Sewer Line Construction: We recommend all plans be approved by OWASA and constructed according to their standards. Where sewer lines are located beneath drive aisles and parking areas construction methods approved by OWASA shall be employed, to ensure that sewer lines will not be damaged by heavy service vehicles. Final plans must be approved by OWASA and the Town Manager prior to issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit. We have included a stipulation to this effect in Resolution A.
Overhead Power Lines: The applicant is proposing to relocate an existing overhead utility line in the northeast corner of the site. We recommend that all proposed or relocated utility lines other then 3-phase electric power distribution lines be located underground. We have included a stipulation to this effect in Resolution A.
Construction Management and Traffic and Pedestrian Control Plans: We recommend that a Construction Management Plan and Traffic and Pedestrian Control Plan be approved by the Town Manager prior to the issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit. We have included a stipulation to this effect in Resolution A.
Open Burning: UNC Hospitals has been working with the Chapel Hill Fire Department to potentially use the site as a training facility for Fire Department personnel. We have included a stipulation in Resolution A that prohibits open burning, except for burning by the Chapel Hill Fire Department associated with training activity on the existing building on site.
Demolition Plan: The existing office building on the site is proposed to be demolished, or ignited by the Chapel Hill Fire Department for training purposes. If the applicant’s construction plans include a phasing plan that delays the construction of the proposed building following the demolition of the existing structure, then a Demolition Plan (that would include the option of Fire Department training) will be required as well as plans for the stabilization of the site during and following demolition. A stipulation has been included in Resolution A requiring a Demolition Plan. We have also included a stipulation requiring the applicant to work with Orange County Solid Waste and the Chapel Hill Fire Department staff regarding demolition of the existing structure to maximize recycling of demolition waste.
Fire: We have included our standard stipulation in Resolution A that a fire flow report, showing that flows meet the minimum requirements of the Design Manual, be submitted for review and approval by the Town Manager prior to issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit.
Comprehensive Plan: The Land Use Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Plan designates the subject site for Commercial Use. The applicant’s proposed use is Clinic which is comparable to the designated use.
The application also proposes to achieve other aspects of the Comprehensive Plan as noted in the applicant’s Statement of Justification (Attachment 6).
Additionally, the Town Council adopted the Raleigh Road Entranceway Plan on June 12, 1995. Please see the applicant’s responses to the Council’s goals in Attachment 8.
Special Use Permit Findings: For approval of a Special Use Permit, the Council must make the following findings, as set forth in Article 4.5.2 of the Land Use Management Ordinance:
(a) That the use or development is located, designed, and proposed to be operated so as to maintain or promote the public health, safety, and general welfare;
(b) That the use or development complies with all required regulations and standards of this Chapter, including all applicable provisions of the Land Use Management Ordinance;
(c) That the use or development is located, designed, and proposed to be operated so as to maintain or enhance the value of contiguous property, or that the use or development is a public necessity; and
(d) That the use or development conforms with the general plans for the physical development of the Town as embodied in the Land Use Management Ordinance and in the Comprehensive Plan.
Upon review of the application and information that has been submitted to date, our preliminary recommendation is that these findings can be made.
Based on information available at this stage of the application review process, we believe that the proposal, with the conditions in Resolution A, and approval of the proposed modification to regulations, meets the requirements of the applicable sections of the Land Use Management Ordinance and Design Manual, and that the proposal fulfills the purposes of the Comprehensive Plan.
Resolution A would approve the application with conditions.
Resolution B would deny the application.
Project Fact Sheet Requirements
Check List of Regulations and Standards - Special Use Permit Application
UNC Hospitals imaging and outpatient center |
1350 Raleigh ROAD |
Use Permitted |
X |
Minimum Gross Land Area |
X |
Minimum Lot Width |
X |
Maximum Floor Area |
X |
Minimum Recreation Space |
N/A |
Impervious Surface Limits |
X |
Land Disturbance in RCD |
N/A |
Minimum # Vehicular Parking Spaces |
X (With Requested Modification to Regulations) |
Maximum # Vehicular Parking Spaces |
X |
Minimum # Bicycle Parking Spaces |
X |
Minimum # Loading Spaces |
X |
Minimum # Handicapped Spaces |
X |
Maximum # Dwelling Units |
N/A |
Minimum Street Setback |
X |
Minimum Interior Setback |
X |
Minimum Solar Setback |
X |
Maximum Height Limit |
X |
Minimum Landscape Bufferyards |
X (with Alternative Buffer Approval) |
Steep Slopes |
N/A |
Parking Lot Screening |
X |
Public Water and Sewer |
X |
Adequate Public Schools Facilities |
N/A |
N/A = Not Applicable Prepared: November 6, 2008