Artist Selection Committee members present: Lisa Baaske, Supervisor, Community Center; Emily Cameron, Landscape Architect, Public Works; Eric Davis, Chapel Hill Public Arts Commission; Eugene Farrar, Parks and Recreation Commission; Sonia Frischemeier, Chapel Hill – Carrboro Mothers Club; Carter Hubbard, Artist; M.C. Russell, Senior Engineering Inspector, Engineering Department; Martha Shannon, Director, Orange County Arts Commission; Louise Stone, Chapel Hill Public Arts Commission; Jon Wilner, Executive Director, The ArtsCenter; Jeffrey York, Public Arts Office (non-voting member); Steve Wright, Public Arts Office (non-voting member)
The meeting began at 9 am. York welcomed the group and thanked members for their participation in the artist selection process for the Chapel Hill Community Center Retaining Wall Project. Committee member responsibilities were discussed first, including confidentiality, voting, and the Conflict of Interest policy. Committee members read and signed Conflict of Interest forms which are now on file with the Public Arts Office. York then outlined the selection process and goals, reviewed the RFQ and project phases, and described the criteria and rating method for the Selection Committee. Photos of the site were viewed and site issues discussed.
The Committee declined to consider the five applications submitted by artists who resided outside of North Carolina as the Request For Qualifications specified that only North Carolina artists were eligible.
After a quick preview of the remaining eight applications, each committee member submitted a list of his/her top three applicants. Three applicants did not receive a vote in this poll; two of these were removed from the running and one remained in consideration due to a committee member’s request. The committee then read letters of interest, viewed images and discussed the remaining six applications. In consensus, the committee designated one applicant team a finalist and removed another applicant from consideration. A second poll was conducted where each committee member was asked to name two of the remaining four applicants as finalists. Poll results and applicants were discussed. In consensus, the committee removed one applicant from the running, and designated another a finalist. Of the remaining two applicants, the one that received seven votes was named the third finalist and the applicant with four votes was named an alternate.
The final consensus of the Artist Selection Committee was that David Finn, the team of Jim Gallucci and Brad Spencer, and the team of Thomas Thoune and Patrick Crawford should be invited to present to the committee as project finalists. The Public Arts Office will arrange a presentation date for December or January.
The Committee was thanked for its efforts in this phase of the selection process. The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 am.
Respectfully Submitted,
Steve Wright, Public Art Coordinator