Beginning at a point in the northern right of way of East Franklin Street, said point being the north west lot corner of 1609 East Franklin Street and also being the point and place of beginning; thence North 43º30’52” East a distance of 124.82’to a point; thence North 43º31’38” East a distance of 99.42’ to a point; thence North 47º17’20” West a distance of 222.14’ to a point; thence North 86º22’11” West a distance of 192.06’ to point; thence North 86º24’32” West a distance of 16.60’ to point; thence South 22º51’47” West a distance of 96.00’ to point; thence South 46º53’58” East a distance of 348.32’ to point, said point being and point and place of beginning.