From:    Kumar Neppalli

Sent:     Monday, February 02, 2009 1:41 PM

To:          Kendal Brown

Subject:               FW: Proposed Right in Right Out Driveway





-----Original Message-----

From: Edwards, Charles N

Sent: Friday, August 08, 2008 11:41 AM

To: Kumar Neppalli; 'Mike Taylor'

Cc: Smith, Toyia C

Subject: Proposed Right in Right Out Driveway


Kumar and Mike,

Per  our conversation, this office has reviewed the revised Sheet SUP-2.0

which modifies the proposed full access driveway to a right in right out

configuration with a splitter island in the driveway stem but no island along

East Franklin Street. The driveway is located directly across from an existing

commercial driveway serving a medical convalescent center. The site depicts

two office buildings providing 8659 SF of floor space. No TIA was required for

this project but our trip generation software indicates that the site is

expected to generate an approximate 24 hour two-way volume of 95 comprised of

12 ingress and 2 egress movements in the AM peak and 2 ingress and 11 egress

movements during the PM peak. Given the relatively low volumes generated, this

development is not expected to create any significant traffic impact on the

adjacent roadways. The proposed driveway location meets NCDOT requirements for

number of driveways, setbacks from property corners and street intersections,

alignment with existing driveways, and stem length provided. However, the

proposed right in-right out design as shown is not consistent with the current 

edition of the NCDOT Policy on Street and Driveway Access to North Carolina

Highways. The guidance provided in this policy recommends channelizing islands

or medians not only in the driveway stem but also along the public roadway in

order to physically prevent improper or illegal turning movements into and out

of the driveway. The previous edition of the policy did not emphasize the

installation of the island along the public street. In the past, a number of

driveways were approved by NCDOT and municipalities with only the splitter

island in the driveway stem and no island on the street. In my experience,

driveways with this minimal channelization configuration do not effectively

prohibit the improper or illegal turns and can result in unsafe or inefficient

conditions due to driver confusion, distraction and slower and more

exaggerated turning movements against conflicting traffic volumes. In the case

of this project, while the installation of an island on East Franklin Street

is possible it will result in the unnecessary restriction of the existing full

movement driveways serving adjacent properties. NCDOT policy is designed to

balance the obligation to protect the public transportation infrastructure

with the access rights and needs of the adjacent landowners. For these reasons

this office is not in position to support or approve the right in right out

driveway as proposed. The previous plan submittal for this project depicted a

proposed full access driveway at this same location. Upon careful

consideration of that site plan, the existing roadway geometry and the

relatively insignificant traffic impact of the development, this office is in

a position to approve a full access driveway at this location subject to

design meeting NCDOT requirements. Prior to beginning work, it will be

necessary for the developer to obtain the necessary NCDOT plan approval and



Feel free to contact me for further discussion.


C. N. Edwards Jr., PE

District Engineer

N. C. Department of Transportation

127 E. Crescent Square Drive

P. O. Box 766

Graham, NC 27253



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