

Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager


Brian J. Curran, Chief of Police
Terrie Gale, Police Attorney


Public hearing on fees for towing from private lots


March 9, 2009


The purpose of this memorandum is to provide information for tonight’s public hearing concerning the fees which may be charged for towing vehicles from private non-residential parking lots in zoning areas TC-1, TC-2, and TC-3 of downtown Chapel Hill, as well as the fees which may be charged for storage of towed vehicles.


On March 3, 2008, the Town Council amended the ordinances in Chapter 11, Article XIX of the Town Code on towing from private lots in downtown areas zoned TC-1, TC-2, and TC-3.  These amendments included provisions specifying the fees which may be charged for towing and storage. The maximum fees which may be charged are:

In addition the Council enacted the following:

Section 3.  The fees authorized by Sec.11-304 and Sec.11-306 of Section 1 of this Ordinance shall be reviewed each year at a public hearing during the first Council business meeting in March.

Tonight is an opportunity for members of the public, including vehicle owners wishing to park in the downtown area, parking lot property owners, and tow truck operators, to express their views on the Town’s regulations on towing from non-residential lots in downtown areas zoned TC-1, TC-2 and TC-3.



That the Council receive comments from the public at this hearing on March 9, 2009, and provide guidance to Town staff as to the towing ordinance.