Town Seal

Town of Chapel Hill
North Carolina

Executive Summary

Meeting Date: 03-09-2009
Time:                    7:00 PM



Title of Agenda Item:  Approval of a Resolution Endorsing Alternative Roadway Configuration

on Weaver Dairy Road near Timberlyne S hopping Center


Background:  The attached staff memorandum includes background information regarding an alternative roadway configuration on Weaver Dairy Road near Timberlyne Shopping Center. The Weaver Dairy Road Widening project is scheduled for construction in spring 2010.  The NCDOT requested that the Town send them a resolution approved by the Town Council supporting the alternative roadway configuration so they can include a median opening and associated widening in the widening project. 

Fiscal Note:  The NCDOT project would include the funds required for the median opening and turning lanes.  Timberlyne Shopping Center would design and construct the new driveway entrance.

Staff Recommendation(s):  We recommend that the Council approve the attached resolution that would endorse an alternative roadway configuration on Weaver Dairy Road near Timberlyne Shopping Center. The resolution also requests the North Carolina Department of Transportation include a median opening and associated widening in the Weaver Dairy Road Widening Project for the alternative roadway configuration.

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