


Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager


Lance Norris, Public Works Director
JB Culpepper, Planning Director
Steve Spade, Transit Director
David Bonk, Long Range and Transportation Planning Manager
Kumar Neppalli, Engineering Services Manager


Report on Transportation Impact Analysis Related to the Carolina North Development


March 16, 2009


The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) related to the Carolina North Development.  The tentative completion date of the TIA is May 1, 2009.

No action is required by the Town Council.   


The Town Council, in June 2001 approved a process and guidelines for conducting a traffic impact analysis for developments in Chapel Hill. The process includes the Town contracting with private consulting firms to perform necessary traffic impact studies for proposed developments and the associated costs are paid by the developers. 

We sent Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) to interested firms for the Carolina North TIA so that we can select a firm with nationwide experience with developments similar to Carolina North.  The time line of the RFQ and the TIA is provided below:

We received proposals from ten firms. A Staff Committee reviewed the proposals and selected three firms to interview.  The Staff Committee is expected to complete the interviews on March 17th and recommend a firm to the Town Manager.  The University agreed to provide the funds for the cost of the TIA.  Consistent with the current Town’s TIA policy, the cost includes the consulting fee for the preparation of the TIA and the Town staff time on the project.

The required consultant services will be based on the Town’s approved Guidelines for Transportation Impact Analysis and may include, but are not limited to:

We propose to include a section in the Carolina North Development Agreement that references the Transportation Impact Analysis, future mitigation measures, a mechanism for developing periodic TIA reports that test the assumptions and findings and means for adjusting requirements based on the findings. 


The Town will enter into an agreement with the selected consulting firm for preparation of the TIA.  The Tentative TIA completion date is May 1, 2009.