AGENDA 3a(3)



Town of Chapel Hill
200 Plant Road
Chapel Hill, NC  27514                                               

phone (919) 968-2784 fax (919) 932-2923




To:       Mayor Kevin Foy and Town Council

            Town of Chapel Hill

405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd

Chapel Hill, NC 27514


From: Town of Chapel Hill Cemeteries Advisory Board


March 23, 2009


Subject: Petition to Town Council on naming gazebo in Old Chapel Hill Cemetery


Mayor Foy and Town Council,


On January 3, 2009, the Town of Chapel Hill lost one of its greatest leaders when Ms. Rebecca Clark died at the age of 93.  Among her many efforts to create a loving and caring community, Ms. Clark worked tirelessly to improve the condition of the Town’s cemeteries, especially the Old Chapel Hill Cemetery.  At the time of her passing, Ms. Clark was a member of the newly formed Town of Chapel Hill Cemeteries Advisory Board.


On behalf of the Cemeteries Advisory Board, I am writing to request that the Town Council consider a recommendation from the Cemeteries Advisory Board to name the gazebo structure in the Old Chapel Hill Cemetery in honor of Ms. Clark.  This recommendation was unanimously approved by the Cemeteries Advisory Board at a meeting held on January 15, 2009.  We believe that by honoring Ms. Clark in this way we not only acknowledge her many years of dedicated service to the Town, but also her love for our community.


Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Town of Chapel Hill Cemeteries Advisory Board by,



David R. Work, Chairperson