Town Seal

Town of Chapel Hill
North Carolina

Executive Summary

Meeting Date: 03-23-2009
Time:                    7:00 PM



Title of Agenda Item:  Budget Ordinance Amendments

Background:  The attached staff memorandum includes background information on various Transit Funds to reflect changes, corrections and budget adjustments.

Fiscal Note: The greatest adjustment reflects a $225,782 decrease in the budget for State Maintenance Assistance, which can be accommodated in the Transit Fund by a reduction in the fuel budget in the current year.  One amendment will reserve a $115,168 donation from the University to increase the Transit Capital Reserve.  Other amendments make adjustments to State and local matches for three transit grants that currently total about $6.5 million, requiring a net increase in local match of $36,582 and additional $67,153 in other revenue sources.  The miscellaneous adjustments are summarized in the table below.





Transit Fund



Reduce State assistance




Transfer to Transit Capital Reserve





Transit Capital Reserve Fund



Reserve UNC refund





Transit Grants



Reduce federal grant




Increase State match




Increase local match




Increase Program income


Staff Recommendation(s):  That the Council enact the budget ordinance amendments.

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