
to:                  Mayor and Town Council

from:            Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager

subject:      Aydan Court, 2100 NC-54 East, Zoning Atlas Amendment and Special Use Permit Applications

date:            March 23, 2009



Tonight the Council continues Public Hearings from October 20, 2008, December 8, 2008 and February 9, 2009 to consider a Zoning Atlas Amendment application and a Special Use Permit application for the Aydan Court development. Aydan Court is a residential development at 10 units/acre proposed to be located on the north side of NC-54 across from Downing Creek Parkway. The purpose of this cover memorandum is to forward the Town Manager’s recommendations to the Council for the above applications.


A text amendment to the Land Use Management Ordinance, amending the Residential-Special Standards-Conditional (R-SS-C) zoning district is also being considered tonight.


MAnager’s REvised recommendation


I have reviewed and discussed the key issues with Town staff. Based on the information in the record to date, I believe that the Council can 1) make the findings required to approve the request for a Zoning Atlas Amendment, rezoning the 5.8-acre site from Residential-1 (R-1) zoning district to the amended Residential-Special Standards-Conditional (R-SS-C) district, and 2) make the findings required to approve the request for a Special Use Permit.


If the Council chooses to enact Ordinance A or B associated with the Residential-Special Standards-Conditional (R-SS-C) text amendment item tonight then:


·         I recommend that 1) The Council enact the Ordinance approving the Zoning Atlas Amendment, to rezone the Aydan Court site from the Residential-1 zoning district to the Residential-Special Standards-Conditional zoning district, and 2) approve the associated Special Use Permit application with conditions.


On the other hand, if the Council chose to take no action on the Residential-Special Standards-Conditional (R-SS-C) text amendment tonight:


·         I recommend that the Council 1) deny the Zoning Atlas Amendment, and 2) deny the associated Special Use Permit application.